Friday, February 19, 2016

A Bittersweet Symphony (4th mvt.)

IV – [Finale – Giocoso e molto pesante] 
      “The last steps to FAT Heaven

  Dory didn’t remember being so excited since she had first laid eyes on her Nicky – and that was saying something. She had talked to Sean over the phone the night before, so she knew everything would be fine. But now she was waiting for Jim to come and see her at the agency. It was time for his second photo session today – the “fat” one. As much as she tried to keep cool and act professional, she couldn’t wait to see her boy back. Was he chubby and plump in all the right places, like she had so often dreamed to make him ?… As he liked to play mysterious sometimes, Sean had only told her that he had “done it and more” with the young model, and that she wouldn’t be disappointed with that final “and more” part. Now, Jim was going to be late again – why did she come in so early ?… Was she just too impatient to see what difference three weeks with Sean would make on her boy’s trim body ?

  She probably was: No matter how late Jim always was, she had overlooked that and come to the office earlier than she usually cared to… But after everything Sean had done for her Nicky dear – now her Nicky bear – and her, she trusted her feeder friend to turn the old, lanky, cranky Jim into a happy, chunky Jimbo! Her phone rang. It was her secretary, Tracy.

“What is it, Tracy ?”
There’s a young man in the lobby. He says he has an appointment with you.”
I thought I had no appointment today. Tell him I’m busy.”

  There was still more than two hours before the session started – so, make it at least two hours and a half before Jim would show up! This was such a bad idea. Dory was getting nervous. The first operators and crew members were already having coffee in the studio. The producers would also be here soon. And the director… And her phone was ringing again. Tracy was really proving to be useless today…

“Is there a problem ?”
I’m sorry, but he won’t take no for an answer.”
Who won’t ?”
That guy.”
Well, who does he think he is ? Tell him to call for a regular appointment, this time.”
I don’t know… I don’t think he belongs to a model agency, anyway…”
What do you mean ?”
I mean… He’s not the kind of boys you would hire as a model.”
Why are you lowering your voice down ? Just tell him we’re not looking for new models here. I have enough trouble with the ones I already have, by the way.”
Huh… okay.”

  Dory hanged up the phone. “Still not here”, she thought. “And he wouldn’t have the decency to call! I guess Sean can’t change everything about a guy…” Her phone rang almost immediately. Was it Jim ? It wasn’t. It wasn’t any of the producers either, but Tracy again – boy, was she crossing the line to be fired soon…

“What’s now ?!”
I’m sorry but…”
He’s still here ?”
Huh… yeah.”
Didn’t you tell him that we’re not looking for new models ?”
He says he is a model.”
You just told me that was not possible!”
I know. I mean… He’s really fat…”
Send him in!”

  And there he was. It was no surprise that Tracy had not recognized him at all: the fact that he was on time for the first time in History put aside, Dory couldn’t believe her eyes either. This tubby blonde boy smirking at her was her Jim – the smirk at least had not changed. Jim’s chest was now shaped into a ball under his large T-shirt, with his belly nicely curved under fleshy man boobs. It was hard to tell if Sean had bought a shirt too tight for his fattened up boy, or if Jim had been mischievous enough to wear it today on purpose. Quickly looking at him, Dory noticed that his ass and thighs looked fuller too. So were his cheeks a little. He had filled out in all the right places – she was so pleased.

“Wow, Jim! You look gorgeous!”
Well, I certainly gorged my way up to this size…” Jim answered with a grin.

  Now, this had to be Sean’s influence on him. Dory couldn’t mistake it.

“So… I guess you had a good time at Sean’s place ?”
Yeah, that guy was everything you said and more. He’s really good. He was very helpful, and patient… and friendly, and oh!… he’s such a great chef!”
I know! Huh, I mean… He’s got quite a rep in the business. And he really liked you too.”
He called you ?”
Of course. He wants to know what your photos will look like, and if the production people are pleased with it.”
They better be pleased, because it’s going to cost them!”
What do you mean ?…”
Just wait and read my contract again.”
Your contract ? I thought…”
What ?”
It’s funny, you had not read it in the first place, and…”
I’ve had four weeks to work on that. I may be slow, but I'm not that slow.”
It’s just so not like you. I mean, you didn’t want to do this at first, and… there you are, thirty pounds fatter!”
And more.”
It’s like… you’ve never been on time for a photo session, and there you are.”
And early. What’s wrong about that ?”
Nothing, but why did you come two hours in advance ?”

  Jim looked away.

“I thought you would be here…”
You know I don’t get in before nine.”
Okay, okay. I wanted to eat a big breakfast at the production buffet.”

  Dory followed him to the buffet. She couldn’t take her eyes off him as he kept stuffing his face on the crew’s muffins, doughnuts and buttery toasts.

“You’ve built up quite an appetite, Jim…”
No shit. I haven’t stopped eating, at Sean’s place! And they wanted me to put on thirty pounds, after all!”
So… I thought you had. In fact, you look somewhat larger than I thought. You told me you have grown more ?”
Almost twice their infamous ‘mandatory’ weight gain!”
You mean, 60 pounds ?”
Oh yeah!”
So what’s with the morning cravings for muffins ? You don’t need to gain any further.”
I’m just hungry… Okay, okay. I would like to pose with a full belly. Give some better roundness to it, you know ?”
I see… But, why did Sean make you gain twice too much ?”

  Jim didn’t think that it was “too much”, but he had a more appropriate answer ready for her.

“He’s found out that each pound that I gain after the first thirty ones I had signed for is worth five hundred bucks. So that’s fifteen grands they owe me!”
Are you serious ?…”
Of course I am! Just wait and see.”

  Jim’s second photo session was supposed to be the “unhappy, fat” one, complete with big, jiggling belly pics and movies where he would be walking slowly, so heavy with blubber as he could be. Jim was taking a shower when the crew arrived. He had left the buffet table almost empty, but he didn’t quite feel full… When he came into the studio for his first pics, all the guys around thought he was looking truly dashing with his hair wet and a little messy as they always were – but what about his bulging gut ? so much in evidence over his towel, it was tantalizing… Catching everyone’s attention didn’t seem to hurt the young model, no matter what their reason was. If they were shocked, he didn’t care – if they were turned on, he didn’t care much either. After a month of intimacy and overeating – which he would call “solitude” and “effort” for the production people – Jim missed being checked out by guys, especially professionals, and photographed and filmed… He looked nice, large, plump and comfortable – all in all, in the perfect mood for another day long session. Except he was still hungry. Dory had asked Tracy to go get a few boxes of doughnuts and other pastries from the bakery outside.

  The director came in before she had brought the cakes to Jim. He had talked with Dory and the producers for a minute, but he was speechless when he saw the new and enhanced version of Jim. His welcoming small talk was a little nervous, but still polite – in a director’s way. And Jim had no problem answering his questions, this time. The crew was still taken off by his answers, sometimes. They thought they knew Jim and his moods and his strange sense of humour, but this was new. The production people were the only ones to be openly pleased by his attitude: the boy was even fatter and rounder as they hoped he would get. Yes, he had taken good care of his body, and stayed in shape – considering that a sphere is a shape, after all... He had followed a steady diet – or was it a sturdy diet ? and had to cut his working out routine down to once a week for a month. Mostly free weights. No more cardio exercises. He was considering quitting his old gym, anyway. Concentrate more on the good stuff… Bananas were good stuff, for instance. He didn’t think forty a day was too much... But these cakes looked fine too. If you asked him, they could replace bananas for the time being. No, he was not going to tell them what special ingredient he put in his morning milk. He liked to go for a nap after a good meal, by the swimming pool. No, he didn’t swim much anymore. He would certainly float… Yes, he’d had to ask for professional help on the side. Jim didn’t think he couldn’t make it without Sean’s help, anyway... A nutritionist. Sean was a friend of his, now. No further questions about that. Yes, he was good. The best, according to him. But you could guess he had quite a good appetite, too. Who knew, huh ?… Of course, Jim had always liked to eat. The usual... Just got it to the next level. He had nothing to tell them about it. He wasn’t on a diet anymore, but he was reminded that he would soon have to lose the weight, according to his contract...

  There were no more questions from the producers about Jim’s new eating habits – although every guy in the crew was feeling his mouth watering… Jim was looking at them discreetly. It was most interesting – Sean was right. After a while, the director asked Jim to pose just as he had done the first time. Until then, Jim had been standing in front of them, wearing nothing but his pair of boxer shorts and munching on doughnuts as the lights were getting ready. It wasn’t clear to them if he wanted to look even rounder than he naturally was, or if he couldn’t help himself and just had to eat constantly!

  Dory joined them after a while. Jim had not stopped eating, and the director was getting sick and tired of his model’s constant interruptions and pauses by the buffet… He was still trying to hold it together and get the pictures done. Dory knew Jim well enough to suspect that he was only laying ground for a bigger confrontation with the producers. So she asked them to follow her in her office, and started discussed the more important, if overlooked, aspects Jim’s contract – a certain clause that they remembered of course, but which had totally slipped their minds.

“So… You see where I’m going ?”
Yeah, I’ve got the picture.”
Have you really, John ? This picture is going to cost us more than the ones being shot right now! How much does the son of a bitch weighs ?”
He told me he’s gained sixty instead of thirty…”
What ?!”
That cunning, little bastard!…”
But… that’s like 15.000 $!”
Thank you George, I didn't flunk math! It’s not just about the money, Dory. You told us this would be a fair deal! Are you the one who gave it away to the fucking doughboy ?”
No. He found about it on his own – I guess…”

  Boy, could she lie! The three producers weren’t really buying it anyway. They had to check for some damage control, first. They rushed back into the studio. Jim was still eating muffins, surrounded by the guys who weren’t busy on the set. They were almost drooling, as they watched him shove more pastries into his mouth.

“Where’s Jim ?!”

  The young model just waved, keeping his cool when all the others around him were surprised at how angry the producers looked, after they seemed to be so pleased with him. It was a good thing that the director at least was setting the place for the shots where Jim had to stand on a scale.

“Why, you greedy asshole, you…”
Now, now… Let me handle this.”

  The most patient of the three tried to make things go smoothly.

“What’s the trouble, guys ?”
We were wondering… How much do you weigh, Jim ?”
Oh, I don’t know for sure… I’ve been trying to grow so large and so heavy as I could, lately.”
Well, that’s… fine, but now that we’re in the middle of your last pictures session, you don’t have to gain any more.”
I know.”
Okay, good. Someone get us a scale!”

  The director got back the digital scale they had borrowed in the first place. Jim stood on it and was found to weigh a good 235lbs. He acted like it was no big deal, but all three producers were pissed at him now... They tried not to say a word, as their attitude was raising questions and comments from the crew. The first photo session was far from over, after what felt like the longest morning ever, where only a handful of test pictures had been taken.

“We should say something now…”
“Come on. And let it out in front of witnesses ? Why don’t you just throw money at them ?”
We could shut it down… It’s not too late.”
Don’t be ridiculous.”
They’re finally ready to shoot. We would look like the worst kind of jerks.”
I know…”
He’s making fun of us as we speak… Look at him!”

  In spite of the director’s obvious indications to make this set of pics convey a “fat is unhappy” message, Jim was standing up and posing like his body was just so lean and trim as before. Then he gave the camera his trademark husky, smothering and sexually aggressive look.

“Huh… Jim ? This is not exactly what I asked from you.”
What do you mean ? You asked me to go like this and look at the camera.”
Yes, but I asked you for a ‘fat’ look, you know…”
Looks like I don’t. Care to explain it to me ?”
Just give me the look that says, well… ‘I’m fat’.”
Oh ? okay.”

  Jim went back and struck an even hotter pose, then looked right at the camera with eyes that would have sold anything – anything but what the director had asked him to stand for. He didn’t comment on it and asked for a second shot. It was just the same… Once again, Jim was not listening to his instructions.

“Jim, this is probably even worse than what you first did!”
Wow! that bad ?”
No, no… It’s no big deal. I guess I wasn’t clear before.”
Tell me what was wrong, then.”
Well… Let’s just say that… I didn’t quite get the right vibe from your last pose. I don’t feel like you pose as a ‘fat’ guy, you see ?”
What are you talking about ? I don’t have to pose as a fat boy – I AM a fat boy!”
I’m afraid it’s not what you gave me. You didn’t really ‘look’ fat to me.”
Okay… Is it all right that I look ‘overweight’ to you, at least ?”
That’s not the point, Jim. But let’s try a different approach. I want you to stand there, take a deep breath, just be yourself and look at the camera like you ‘feel fat’…”
Say no more. Got you.”
Perfect! Now, please take your mark and do it for me.”

  So Jim went back in position again, and took a deep breath – but when he posed for the picture, he was looking through the camera in the hottest way possible. And as if this wasn’t enough, his right hand was slowly rubbing his curvy, full belly while his left hand rested on his thigh and caressed it to pat his butt… That was the final straw. The director yelled at him from the top of his lungs

Hey, watch it!” the chief operator stopped him just in time.
Jim! What do you think you just did ?!”
Only what you asked me to do…”
Yeah, right! I think my exact words were ‘look at the camera like you feel fat’! Is that how you pictured it in your head ?!”
Pretty much. That’s they way I feel about it, anyway.”
Oh ? Oh… I see… But Jim, you’re giving me ‘puppy fat’ – or ‘happy fat’ – I’m not looking for ‘happy puppy’ fat here!”
“So you want me to play ‘I lost my heart in San Francisco’ fat or what ?…”

  Jim was probably a lot easier to deal with when he was the one that got angry and yelled until he got tired of it all. The director took a step back, and started trying to put some sense into the model’s handsome but rather thick head.

“This is a pretty simple campaign, Jim. We are endorsing some new slimming product, here. Repeat after me: Slim-Ming! So, what do they teach you in advertising class ? Your product has always been the best, but it’s new and improved now for better sales, and the rest of the world is just like shit on the market place!… See my point ?”
I guess.”
“Slim equals good. Not slim, not good… In the wonderful world of diet products and night cream, fat guys are predestined to be unhappy until they discover the miracle that is Healthyline…”
“Do you think I should crash cymbals before on after I say that word ?”
I’m not joking! As a fat boy working for the Healthyline company, you should give me your best ‘unhappy’ looks – or do you want to be like… a rat in Disneyland ?!”
I guess that’s the real deal... Right ?”
Yeah. Sorry that I had to make you point at it like that, but…”
Deep down, it’s saying to people ‘Okay, so you’re different and that’s a crime – but you have money, so just cough it up to us and we will clean you up and give you a more respectable, fake new identity’. That’s what you’re looking for my next pics ?”
Boy, when you listen carefully…”
I won’t do it.”
What ? Why ?… You just nailed it!”
Exactly. I’m taking a break.”
Wait, wait, wait, wait…”

  Jim was even more stubborn now that he knew he was right. This was just great – he was supposed to look like he was unhappy and wrong about being fat! The director was not stupid either. There had to be a way to take pics that would meet the producers’ expectations somehow.

“Okay, Jim... I didn’t want to take such drastic measures, but you give me no choice. No pause before the pics are taken and the movies wrapped up!”
Says who ?”
I’m the director here. You may be large but I’m in charge, so will you listen to me before we start working overtime again, Jim ? Now you guys, take all the snacks out of here. I don’t want to see a crumb left on that buffet table.”
I was going to have doughnuts.”
Right, Jim. And you will, when we’re finished here… I think we can still make it.”
“How ?”
You go back there and give me the same pose as before.”
But you said I was doing it wrong…”
Nu-huh. Just follow my league. You take a deep breath, Jim. Now, look at me.”

  Jim was still looking confident and hot. But the director knew what he was doing. All he had to do was to slowly put his model into the right mood and make him give just the look they needed on the pictures. So, he kept his voice calm and precise, and asked Jim to do it over and over, giving him the adequate indications.

“That’s good, Jim… Okay now, you’re a sexy young model with a nice layer of puppy fat on his bones. Give me the puppy look, Jim… Good! So, you’re quite a plump hot stud, but you haven’t been fed for a while, right ? Give me that hungry puppy eyes, Jim… Excellent. Now, you’re not just hungry for food, you know. You’re on an empty stomach, sure, but you want something fattening – something that will butter you up on the inside as you eat it, right ?… Give me that lusty, hungry look, Jim. Very good. Hold on for a second…”

  The change in Jim’s attitude was obvious. Each new picture was better than the previous one – and also getting closer to what they were looking for. The director asked his assistant to bring a box of doughnuts back and hold it next to him, under the camera.

“Let’s take this further, Jim. You’ve been hungry for doughnuts for a while… Now, these are the most delicious, most fattening kind of chocolate frosted, cream-filled doughnuts. Don’t look at the doughnuts – keep looking at me. You know you won’t get any of them unless you convince me to give them to you, all right ? So… you don’t have to say a word to me – but tell me with your eyes, Jim. Come on, say it to me in a glance. ‘I want the cream-filled doughnuts’…”

  But Jim was giving him bedroom eyes – not what he was aiming at.

“No, no, Jim. You’re not trying to seduce me to give you the box of doughnuts… You only have to convince me that you’re so painfully hungry that I should be generous and give it to you. What do you say we try communicating like this ? Okay, that’s better. I think you have a point, Jim, but you look quite plump to me – and this is very fattening food… Why should I give it to you, then ?”
Because I…”
“Nuh huh. Only with your eyes, Jim... You just tell me if I misinterpreted the looks you give me.”

  So Jim started answering to his director like that…

“I was asking you… Why should I give a box full of creamy doughnuts to you, when you already look pretty well-fed to me ?”

  And you could read in Jim’s eyes “Because I haven’t had a decent meal for a long while, and I have such a large stomach to fill before the hunger goes away…”

“That’s better. But you don’t look like you have such a large stomach… You’re just plump, that’s all. I’m sure you would be full just with two or three doughnuts!”
“Come on… I have quite a large capacity, and I’m starving here…” Jim’s eyes answered to the director teasing him.
“If you had such a big belly, you would show it to me. You’re just slightly overweight… and I don’t feel like I should give you an entire box of fattening pastries just because you pretend to be hungry!”

  Then Jim didn’t only answer to the director’s instructions with his look but with his whole body and posture. He started pushing his belly out, shaping it into a ball of blubber and looking desperate to grow some more.

“Okay, so you want to get fatter ? That’s right, Jim… That’s what you really want. You’ve eaten your way up to this size and softness, but you’re still so painfully thin! I think one box of doughnuts won’t be enough, Jim. Not even close! You deserve better than this… but this is all you can get your hands on, right now. And to think you have to convince me to give it to you ? Come on, tell me how you feel…”

  Jim’s pose was perfect, now. He looked plump and pot-bellied, but frustrated and hungry somehow – and in his eyes still full of lust and stars, you could see how much he resented to be reduced to this. This would do to convey the “fat and unhappy” message of the company.

“That’s all right, Jim. I think we got it, right guys ?”
Oh yeah!…”
Okay that’s good. You can have all the doughnuts you want, Jim. I should say you've earned them, this time.”

  The situation was quite different with the producers.

“You say we owe you fifteen thousand dollars ?”
Yes. I thought it was about time we mentioned it, by the way.”
I don’t understand...”
Don’t fuck with me, okay ? I wasn’t happy about this whole thing when I signed for it. Then I have done my best to meet your expectations – and as it turns out, I’ve grown beyond that goal. This may be the same to you, but you have signed for it too!”
I’m afraid that Jim has a point, here.”
What are you talking about, George ?”
But your contract is not quite over, really… is it, Jim ?”
What do you mean ?”
You have yet to lose all the weight that you have gained.”
No I don’t.”
What ?”
The contract says that your company will help me lose the weight, and if we can’t make it together in time for your ad to be on the air and in magazines, you will use the first set of pictures and movies we’ve made. There’s really no pressure on me here, since you have a back-up.”
Is that true, John ?”
That was the plan…”
The contract only states that you will pay for every food, working-out activities or any other treatment that will make me drop the weight. Makes sense, since you’re in that kind of business.”
Okay, Jim. Now, you’re robbing us!”
I’m only following the terms of our contract.”
Oh come on, will you cut down on this John Grisham crap!”
Easy, John… I think I know how we’re going to deal with Jim.”
You do ?”
Correct me if I’m wrong, Jim, but you have been thinking a lot about this. And you have come to the right conclusion, working for your best interest. I can’t say I agree with what you’re doing here, but I respect that. And I’m sure we would have done just the same.”
Now, you sound like you should have been part of The Firm cast…”
Then let’s see if we understand each other. What you’re suggesting to us would cost like fifty, sixty grands – just to help you trim down and lose the thirty unexpected pounds on top of our estimations, then pay you for these excessive thirty pounds… again! Now, you know you won’t get it ?”
Like Hell I won’t!”
The budget for this campaign is about a hundred thousand dollars. If we have to cut it in half, we can’t get it on the air… or anywhere. So we will have to shut it down! No strings attached: we call this project off. We don’t get to put our product on the market in time, and you don’t get anything.”
Is that true, Dory ?”
I’m afraid it is, Jim…”
Yes it is, boy. You could try to sue, but then it would be one of those lose-lose deals, you know ? I hate those. So… the only reasonable answer to it is a mediation.”
What does that mean ?”
We change the terms of the original contract. We help you lose the weight, and you forget about ripping us fifteen thousands dollars.”
What ?! Are you out of you mind ? I would rather keep the weight and get the money!”
Really, I’m shocked. Of course you would go for the money, but I won’t let our company facing a lawsuit when you pretend we have forced you to fatten up like this, based on remains of a rearranged contract!”
Oh right, because you are the victim in this story ? Seriously!…”
Maybe we can take this case to the lawyer and let him decide on the right terms of your agreement…” Dory suggested.

  But Jim had already left them, banging the doors on his way out and mumbling to himself. He passed a few guys from the morning crew. They were still happy about their photo sessions, so they couldn’t quite figure why he was in such a killing mood.

“Why such a long face, Jim ? I think this was your best session ever.”
I couldn’t care less about this fucking campaign! And these guys!…”
Wow, cheer up, Jim.”
Yeah… peace out, pal!”
Piss off, jerks!”

  Dory was back with the cranky Jim she had learned to love, and trust, and try to help grow into a better, fatter person… A lawyer from Nicky’s office had been assigned on his case, and she had been kind enough to listen to Dory’s suggestions, when Jim didn’t even want to hear of a mediation. Disregarding his rude attitude, Dory thought that it had come to the right conclusion.

“Listen to me, Jim.”
So that you will tell me what ? That I’ve worked for these guys, and put on weight, and gained more, and played nice for NOTHING ?!”
No, it’s just that… since you won’t get that much money, anyway…”
Whose agent are you, Dory ? Or is there like some new law I haven’t read or heard about that allows you to be like a double agent ?”
Okay, that does it. Now, you listen to me, mister!.. I’ve put you back in the pool when you were ready to give up on everything! I’m not going to let you abandon ship again and let your modelling career go belly up… so to speak.”
You really have your way with words, huh, Dory ?”

  According to his new contract with the Healthyline company, Jim was to be paid five thousand dollars, on top of whatever it would cost to make his weight go down under 190lbs again. Dory had suggested that a 20lbs weight gain over six months wouldn’t be ground for a lawsuit. Jim reluctantly agreed on those terms.

  Over the next three months, Jim worked out a lot with a professional coach, and followed a strict diet. He was trimming down to his old size – before he had met Sean – much to Dory’s disappointment. Of course, she encouraged Jim like this was a good thing. And it was, considering he would be hired for some new commercials or fashion products endorsement. But truly she hated that he was already back under 200lbs... Jim wasn’t happy about it either. They were both lying to themselves, as well as they were lying to each other. Their friendship wasn’t affected by all this misunderstanding, since they were more frustrated than really angry.

  When Jim’s bodyfat was down to about 12% again, the young model considered posing for a new photo book and resume. The last months had left him tired in many ways, and given some deeper darkness to his look. But he was stunningly beautiful, and at 185lbs, his physique was more athletic than you would expect from a model his height and age. Dory was giving some serious thought into having Jim work in the bodybuilding products area – which was new territory for him, but full of unexpected promises, according to Dory. She had something in mind for her boy.

  Besides, it couldn’t wait much longer. Dory was worried that Jim would go back to his old, selfish habits. She had to strike, now - and she couldn’t afford any mistake. But as usual, her plan was clever and carefully laid.

Guess who’s back in town tonight, Jim ?”
“I have no idea, and I don't give a fuck… Well Okay, who ?”
You remember Sean ?”
Sean’s here ?” A big smile suddenly blossomed on Jim’s blushing face. “He’s here tonight ?”
He’s asked me about you. How you were doing. I thought it would be better if he saw you in person. After all the efforts you’ve made…”
I can make a reservation at his hotel’s restaurant, if you want to meet him there.”
Of course I want to see him! Thanks, Dory.”

  Jim was very excited to see Sean again but he felt like something was wrong, when they met at the bar and got a table. It wasn’t Sean’s fault. He was being so nice to him as he had always been. But there was something missing. Or there was something between them – whatever it was: distance ? obstacles ?… Anyway, Jim was sighing from time to time, and Sean asked him what the problem was.

“Aren’t you glad to see me too ?”
I am. It’s just that… this isn’t really you. And it’s not really me…”
Do you think this restaurant is also make believe ? Because really, such tiny, kiddy portions of lobsters…”
That’s not what I meant.”
I think I know what you mean.”
This is not the way I was thinking our next meeting would be. I wished… I wish it was like last time. Exactly like that.”
So I was right about the food quantities here ?”
Well, duh! Who serves a barbecue steak under 96 ounces, anyway ?”
You haven’t eaten anything close to it for a while to shrink down to… how much do you weigh, Jim ?”
185lbs. According do my doctor, I’m about 10% bodyfat too.”
Don’t give me the trademark ‘healthy, healthy’ crap… I know you, Sean – and you know me. This is what I was talking about!”
What were you talking about ?”
Everything’s changed. And I can’t stand it anymore! These last months without you, it’s been like torture. When Dory told me you were in town, I thought I could go back to you and you would feed me again, like you did when we first met. It’s ridiculous, I know… but that’s how I feel.”
I had no idea.”
I should have called you. I’m sorry. But you’ve changed too. You’re not the guy I fell in… You’re not the same. If I had met the Sean I know tonight, there would have been no one around and a lot more food. And no ties! and hardly a piece of clothes between us!”
I haven’t changed.”
What ?”

  Sean had got up. Now he was going to the register.
He only told the Maitre D’ to have everything ready as he had requested at first. Jim had followed him there – but he didn’t quite understand what was going on…

Follow me, Jim.”
Where ?”
To my place.”

  Sean’s place for the night was only his room, but it was enough – with the help of room service and a few home products he had brought for Jim – to stuff him just the way Jim had confessed he missed so much.

  There were trays and plates everywhere when Sean finished feeding his hot boy. Sun was slowly rising, painting the creamy white walls and ceiling in deep shades of red and luscious golden orange. Jim was lying on the bed, legs spread, his belly shaped into a ball and swollen to its maximum. Sean was massaging it right now. He was naked like Jim, and complimenting him about his appetite. Once again, the model’s belly had proved to be more expandable than you would expect.

  Jim would belch from time to time. Sean was forcing his last pitcher of weight-gain shake down his throat. They were both so hot to each other, this wasn’t meant to stop. Not now. Not like this. Never.

“Time for your big English breakfast, Jimbo.”
Please yes!…”

  But the phone rang, instead. Sean had to catch his plane. Jim followed him to the airport. He was so sad, it was painful for him just to try and hide how sad he was. Things had to change. He couldn’t just see and enjoy Sean from time to time.

“Is that your flight ?”
Yes, so… I have to go now.”
When will you come back ?”
Depends. I have work to…”
When will you come back and see me ? Just me ?”
Anytime, Jim.”
Kiss me.”

  Sean backed off for a second. Jim had never asked for a kiss like that before. And they were right before the hub. It wasn’t exactly a public place: it was a crowded place!

“Right here ? People will think…”
I don’t give a flying rat's ass about what they think! Everyone around here with eyes and half a brain must be thinking that you’re my boyfriend already, and that you have to leave for some stupid reason, after you’ve stuffed me and we’ve had the best sex ever, all night… Let’s prove them right.”

  And Jim kissed Sean right there – a deep, long, wet kiss. They were both blushing when it was over. Jim rearranged Sean’s collar, and whispered to him.

“I’m your boyfriend, now. Come back to me, and you can fatten me up to whatever size you desire…”

  Sean was gone. Jim spent the rest of the week-end in agony, between life and bathroom… Sean called him, but they didn’t say much to each other. Whatever they wanted to share wasn’t the kind of things you can tell over the phone. Jim only gave a call to Dory. Strictly business, in a way - straight and to the point: he had to meet her.

  Monday morning came up. Jim stepped on the scale. He had been completely lazy for two days, eating junk food on every meal but resting mostly, and hoping the bloated feeling in his gut would be replaced by some adequate plumpness. He was right. Sean had done a nice job fattening him up, once again. Jim’s weight was up to 191lbs, and he could tell by the way his abs were beginning to drown under softer flesh.

  It gave him some well-needed confidence. He had to tell Dory. He was going to be bold about it – this was the most important decision of his life!

“So you had a great time with Sean. What did you want to tell me ?”
It’s grown into something more. I’m in love with him.”
Oh… I see. Did you tell him you were ?”
I did. I think he’s in love with me too.”
So… Are you asking me to sing at your wedding, or…”
There’s something you should know about my relationship with Sean.”
Huh… Okay.”

  Jim was looking dead serious. Dory had never seen him like this.

“With Sean as my boyfriend, chances are… No, it’s a sure thing that I’m going to gain weight. You know, like when you first sent me to him.”
Are you really so sure about it ? Sean was under a contract to fatten you up, like you were…”
It’s not the same but… Let’s say, it’s been the foundation of our friendship, okay ?”
I see. And you’re afraid you’re going to be too fat to pose for the agency again.”
I’m not afraid. I know I will get too fat to keep my job as a model.”

  Dory got up from her desk. She was slowly taking it in.

“I’m sorry, Dory. I thought…”
It’s a good thing that you told me. After all, you don’t owe me anything, and I don’t own you in any way.”

  Jim was still amazed, in a way. She looked like everything was falling into place – not falling apart. He didn’t expect Dory to take it so well…

“All right, let’s say Sean is going to make you gain weight again. You think he can fatten you up over 350lbs ?”
Oh well… it’s a… yeah, definitely. It's bound to happen.”
Then your career as a model is far from over!”
Are you serious ?”
I’m always serious when it comes to work. I have my hands in a lot of different business and projects I’ve never told you about, because you weren’t the right guy for them. Now... this is different.”
What kind of projects ?”
Did Sean take progress pics, like on a monthly basis ?”
Every week, when I was at his place…”
Excellent. If he takes video clips too, we can document your gain.”
He does take videos. But… when you say document, are you thinking about some new “Supersize Me” will…”
Not that kind of documentary. Give me some credit, here. I meant something more accurate. More positive… possibly more erotic ?”
I see your point – but who’s gonna want to watch that ?”
You would be amazed, Jim… Now, on to something more professional. Movies, what do you think ?”
I’m not really an actor.”
Then, you won’t even have to act. Here, read this.”

  Dory opened a drawer and gave a file to Jim. It was a script for a movie called X Excel. It sounded like porn - and flipping through the scenes, Jim could tell it was just the thing.
Okay, Dory… I had no idea about this. But porn ?”
It’s okay, Jim. Read the main character’s scenes. There’s no actual full-front nudity or sex involved. Just a montage of eating sequences and fantasy…”
This looks nuttier than squirrel's shit.”
Read it now. Take your time and tell me what you think.”

  Jim read the scenes involving Arnold – the main character. Dory was right. If the production was serious like she was, this was harmless and probably involving a good deal of money.

“How much would I get paid ?”

  When Dory told him about his new salary, he accepted immediately.

  Sean was always on the set for the six or seven scenes Jim had to shoot. Dory had called him first, as soon as Jim had signed his new contract. His new boyfriend had been extra careful to announce him that he was considering a career in gainer porn movies – where in fact Sean was all for it. He agreed with Jim and read the contract over and over. Then he read the script and asked to be Jim’s personal assistant and coach for X Excel. Dory asked the producers about that. They were already enthusiastic as they had seen Sean’s book featuring Jim’s progress pics. But they were way beyond that when they saw Jim ready on his first day.

  Neither Dory nor Sean lost any minute to get the picture project in motion. Over the week that it took them to set everything up for shooting, Jim had worked out and eaten consciously – so excited as he was in anticipation. He had trimmed down to 185lbs once again, and his bodyfat was just low enough to make him look like a semi-professional bodybuilder…

  The plot of X Excel was simple. A young hunk, Arnold, works in a cubicle for some anonymous company. The teaser shows him working on his computer and doing something in accounting on Excel. Then he goes on the Internet and starts watching video files of fat men, belly pics and some chubby porn. Then comes the main title. In the first scene, Arnold (Jim) takes his morning shower, steps on the scale - the camera records his weight, and quite low bodyfat. Arnold sighs: His muscle body is really hot but that’s not what he wants. You see him sighing again on his computer, then the fantasies start and with a few blurry cuts, you jump to the really hard-core scenes, featuring chub porn stars. Arnold’s character only appears in between the sex scenes – but in his second scene he’s in the kitchen and, still daydreaming, starts stuffing himself on what looks like a family-sized meal… Other sex scenes come up, with some more professional gainer actors – then you see Arnold bloated, and jerking off. And the cheap, 80-something clip music blended the whole thing together.

  The same sequence of events went on for the rest of the movie: Morning shower and early daydreaming, jump-cutting to more chub on chub action scenes. Arnold eating in his bedroom, in the kitchen again, on the couch, by the pool. The only interest of those repetitive scenes, according to Sean, was that Arnold’s progress was obvious and genuine. In the movie’s last scene, Arnold steps on the scale for his morning weigh-in – and he’s an even 200lbs, nicely plump and curvy. He smiles to himself in the mirror.

  As a consequence, the shooting of Jim’s scenes was very easy: “early shower scene”, “eating scene: before”, “eating scene: after”. It only took a week for Sean and Jim to give the director everything he wanted – which wasn’t much. Sean made a few suggestions to the producers sometimes, but it wasn’t really what he was there for. He had been hired as Jim’s personal assistant and “stuffer” – like you had “fluffers” in some old-fashioned gay porn productions. After the morning scenes, Sean would spend the day alone with Jim, feeding him all the fattening foods he had requested from the production, and in quantities large enough to make the poor model boy gain about two pounds a day. This was a success: Jim was noticeably fatter, and everything was wrapped up on time and on budget! Dory got excellent feedback from the editors too: Jim’s body caught the light just so well as a fat boy – probably even better than in his modelling days…

  X Excel did fairly well in its rather unusual, underground box office – Jim’s generous check from the production was there to prove it. Sean had made an arrangement to lower down Jim’s basic salary and give him percentage. That was a smart move.

  According to Jim, the movie was a big success, but he had never really figured anything out when it came around money. X Excel was okay, but it was still run-of-the-mill gay porn: nothing impressive, nothing original. The only interest of the movie, as Sean was to find out on the Internet, was Jim’s performance – or rather, progression 
 from muscle hunk to beginner chub. This gave Sean a few ideas, so he called the studios and told them about a new, more interesting, gainer porn movie for Jim.

  The producers were a bit puzzled, at first. But they knew Sean was good at what he was doing – and the ideas he had suggested to them before would have probably made for a better movie. The only problem was the budget of it. Sean accepted to be paid only with a percentage – which also gave him the final cut and artistic control. That was a bit funny, in the pornographic industry. After a few meetings and discussions with Sean, Dory and Jim, they came up with what had to be the most expensive movie these guys had ever dealt with…

  Sean’s project was a twisted retelling of Hansel & Gretel. When Jim was asleep, he had noticed how he could look a lot like a child, when he wanted to – whether he was laughing, sad or pouting – of course, plump cheeks would make it easier for him to look like a teen. Before the first day of shooting, Jim had to dye his hair in a lighter shade of blond, so that he would pass for German. Sean was also playing in the movie – and even if there was a director of photography, he was really the person in charge, so you could say he was directing it. The only other cast member was the witch, played by none other than Dory… The producers weren’t sure about this – so Sean, Jim and her played a scene just for them, without costumes. But you could tell they were believable…

  The costumes were rather bland  except for the witch, who had two very different dresses: one looking of a Victorian maid's uniform, the other one more stylish and younger, with silver jewels, leather, black lace and denim… Dory had designed it herself. The first scenes would be shot outdoors, in the woods near Sean’s country place. The only costly set was the gingerbread house. Sean had thought about it, and accepted to “redecorate” his country house: the front porch was decorated with all kinds of pastry-like figures, but not in an overly charged way. This was still tasteful. There were some minor changes to Sean’s kitchen, so that you could think it was old-fashioned. Some shots would be set by the fireplace. The children’s bedroom was decorated pretty much the same way. But the really important set was for the cage and the oven. The largest wall in the house was covered with false stone, shelves and cooking devices. The steel cage was already there, and the oven was brought in: it was only lights and colours, so it was the coldest place in the room in fact, when the lights were up and they were ready to shoot a scene…

  Sean’s script was not about a 10 year old Hansel and his sister, but a 20 year old Hansel (Jim) and his boyfriend Russell (Sean). In the teaser, the two “boys”, dressed in Bavarian light clothes are running through the forest. It is not clear at first if they are running from their parents or just enjoying a good sunny late afternoon together. After they stop running, falling in each other’s arms, Hansel and Russell have their first sex scene – their clothes thrown away on low branches, roots, mousse and so on until Hansel has an on-screen orgasm against his lover’s torso. Then come the main titles, on images of the forest at sunset, and going into the night.

  When Russell gets up, it’s very dark around them. He and Hansel already have trouble finding their clothes. How are they going to go back to the village ? That scene is played in some sort of romantic comedy, despite the “Blair Witch” darkness background. Their lines are only interrupted when they kiss, longer and longer each time. Still, they keep bickering in an almost childish way.

  They wander through the forest and see a red light. It’s the gingerbread house, of course. Hansel and Russell approach very slowly, then start eating pieces of it. The witch comes out and invites the two men in. She’s not old at all – just dressed in old-fashioned clothes, and Hansel can’t help to make comments on it. Russell stops him on time and they follow the witch inside the house and into her kitchen.

  The first eating scene is already quite lush: the table is covered with all kinds of delicious foods. The two boys sit in front of each other, while the witch goes from one to the other, attending to both of them and checking out once in a while how muscled or plump they are. They must be hungry, since they are so thin… She encourages them to eat everything they want on the table. Russell and the witch do most of the talking, as Hansel just eats and makes a pig of himself. The dialogue between Russell and the witch, on the other hand, is heavy with both seducing and menacing subtext, innuendoes and double-entendre… Russell doesn’t feel so good in here, but Hansel accepts for the two of them that they spend the night in the witch’s guest room upstairs.

  Alone, and resting comfortably on the bed, Hansel and Russell go back to the long kisses and foreplay they had in the forest, as they start undressing each other. They are constantly interrupted by the witch, however, in the style of some light vaudeville: she keeps bringing more and more cakes, pies and doughnuts to the boys, “in case they feel hungry during the night”. Hansel and Russell keep their cool as much as they can - but when she comes back for the fourth time, Russell tells her they have already eaten more tonight than they would usually do in a whole week. And to make his point, he lets out a long, deep belch right in front of her. She looks quite angry at him being so rude, but she finally leaves the two of them alone. Russell closes the door and turns to find Hansel already munching on the doughnuts. This makes him smile. He slowly lifts his boyfriend’s shirt for good, revealing his bloated belly. Then he starts massaging it slowly, in a most sensuous way. Hansel moans and asks for some more to eat. So Russell gets undressed too, feeds him the rest of the pies and eats a few cakes himself. Then they lie down on the bed and kiss, rubbing their tongues and their full bellies one on the other, until they have sex for the second time. Hansel doesn’t feel quite full, somehow. So Russell comes downstairs for a few more pastries – silent like a mouse. In fact, he’s the one who hears strange noises... and finds the witch in all her wicked glory, chanting some sort of weird incantation.

  He rushes to the bedroom and tells Hansel they have to run away – fast! But the witch is already there and casts the right spell on them... so they stop screaming and running at once. In fact, the two boys just stand still in front of her, with the same blank look in their eyes. Then they follow her, slowly, as she leads them downstairs.

  The basements are in complete darkness, except for the stairs and a few pieces of furniture, lit up in a fantastic, rather ghostly way. There’s a large oven with steel doors, pretty much like a large, industrial bakery but with a deep fireplace – a complete set of steel bars and free weights – then a cage large enough to fit a couple of bears or tigers from the circus. Its steel bars and door look well-oiled, as they are glistening in a wicked shade of coppery orange and red.

  The witch is yelling orders at the boys now, and they obey immediately: it looks as if they have no willpower left. A monumental scale appears in front of them. Russell, still in his magical haze, steps on it, wearing only his briefs. His weight is 200lbs with a solid frame, good muscles and his stomach just full of food… Considering how strong he is, the witch asks Hansel to step on the scale just the same. The younger boy is weighed in at a somewhat lighter but much softer 198lbs.

“Excellent!” she says. “Russell, come here. You will be my slave, for the time being. You will do all the chores in the house. You will also eat and work out so that you stay strong and awake to cook and feed some delicious meals, desserts and cakes to your dear friend Hansel…”

  Then she cuffs Russell with some silvery jewels, one on each wrist, and straps a leather collar with a steel ring around his neck.

“Come here, Hansel!” the witch yells at him again, then pinches him and pokes him for a while. “You are not quite plump enough for my taste, but you have a promising appetite. So you will eat, Hansel – eat, drink and sleep… I’m going to keep you so well-fed and so stuffed that in a few weeks you will be fat enough for me to eat you!”

  And so she makes him get inside the steel cage, where large plates full of cakes, pies and pastries are already waiting for him  next to big bowls of chocolate mousse and high pitchers of what looks like whole milk. The poor boy starts stufing himself immediately.

“This cage is enchanted to have you eating constantly – like a real hog! – and keep you always wanting for more. Now eat up, Hansel! Eat… You won’t get out of that cage before I tell you to. I will have your friend Russell feed you in here all day, and fatten you up until he has turned you into a real prized pig, with tender and juicy meat on your bones…”

  The next scenes naturally involve a lot of overeating for Hansel, and a lot of feeding from Russell. The witch couldn’t be more satisfied with her slave and prey, but the first plot twist is that Hansel and Russell are under her spell only for what she has told them.
So they are totally conscious of what they are doing – and they are taking advantage of the situation: Russell works out his pecs and biceps, his tighs and calves, and back, next to Hansel’s cage while the fat boy is filling up his stomach. Then he can join him in the cage and forcefully feed his already bloated friend. The spell cast on the cage must be strong, because they have some more meaningful sex scenes together in there – and as these scenes are laced with more feeding sessions, you get the feeling that a few days go on like that.

  The next scene with actual dialogue is between Russell and the witch, in the kitchen. A week has gone by since the witch has trapped the two boys. Considering how big, muscled and meaty Russell has already grown, answering exactly to her demands, the witch can be assured that her other boy is quite heavier too, in his cage – and rounder and fatter as well.

  She asks Russell to step on the scales again. He’s 212lbs, with a 34” waist and a slightly rounder stomach, but quite athletic as requested. Russell has to stand straight as she pats him and pinches him on the arms, chest and waist to feel how the layers of fat are getting slowly thicker on his muscled frame. It finally occurs to him that the witch has poor eyesight. It may also be a reason why she has him feeding Hansel, in the darkness of the cage…

  Russell goes back to work: Once again, he has cooked a huge meal for Hansel – with roasted ham and mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs and bacon, pork and beans, and greasy sausages with macaroni and cheese… The witch can’t wait to feel how plump her boy has become after a week of so much eating and force feeding. But she doesn’t want to spoil her pleasure. She tells Russell to wait for her to come by, in the morning, so she will check Hansel out before he starts stuffing himself silly…

  This is Russell’s big break. While the witch goes to sleep, knowing that he will do as he's bee told, anyway, he takes the portable scales down with him and goes to Hansel in his cage. Sure enough, his boyfriend has become much fatter – and pretty fast! Russell asks him to stand up on the scales. So they find out that, in only a week, Hansel has gained more than 50lbs, weighing in at 256lbs, with quite a large waist and an even bigger belly…

  Russell still feeds him the entire meal  partly because he has to, but more importantly because that’s what he wants too! Then, he warns his lover about the witch and gives Hansel a hand – literally: it’s a wood hand he has chopped before from the characteristic decorations of the witch’s living room. And it would match Hansel’s right hand perfectly, if he had not grown so chubby…

  Everything happens as Russell had foreseen it. When the witch asks for Hansel to stick a finger out of his cage, so that she can figure out whether he is fat enough already, the boy gives her the wood hand to feel instead. The witch can hardly hide how shocked she is: It looks like Hansel has not gained an ounce! She orders Russell to go back to work at once, cook for him and feed him a lot more – as much as he can!

  The next week at the witch’s house is shown in a complex montage of symbolic sequences – Russell cooking and eating in the kitchen, the witch rushing him and yelling at him, Russell working out, Hansel being stuffed to the point of bursting, Hansel and Russell having sex, the witch casting a spell to increase the boys’ appetite – around some more developed scenes, like Hansel and Russell enjoying each other’s body and sharing ideas to get out of such a dangerous situation, and how to make the same situation go on like this – as much as they can…

  Another scene with dialogue, in the witch’s living room this time, shows how frustrated she is at Hansel’s persistent thinness. As usual, Russell is cooking up a storm, and the insane amounts of delicious and fattening foods he has already prepared are displayed with some twisted humour, as the scene unfolds – a long master shot with a wide angle and the camera slowly going back, along the table, making that abundance of food look endless – while Russell tries to match wits with the witch. She’s starting to feel hungry, and she doesn’t understand how she can smell fat male flesh so strongly when Hansel seems to be just so thin as he was before… Russell argues for a short while, then takes it on him: he’s got bigger, and fatter, and as the witch makes him work out for hours every day in the basement, he sweats a lot. She takes a closer look at him, then pats him a little around the belly and chest. The boy has a point: Russell has been eating steadily for the last two weeks as her slave, showing quite a good appetite. In fact, the witch is pleased with his hard work and obedient behavior so much that she has already treated him some of her best cream cakes, chocolate mousse and whole milk shakes twice – feeding him ripe bananas too, one at a time, with Russell sitting on a chair after a long day… It’s only natural that so much fattening food, eaten once in a while, would take its toll on his well-built body!

  She puts him on the scales once again. Russell was right about his own gain: he’s 16lbs heavier, and while most of it may still be muscle mass, his waist is up to 36 inches, and he’s starting to put on a gut. So the witch stops complaining and sends him back to work. Russell is smart enough to understand that it is only a matter of time – and that he shouldn’t let her take such interest in his own belly growth so soon… He has to think of a way out for Hansel and him.

  Fortunately, the witch is still determined to make Hansel gain and grow, no matter how long it will take Russell and her to turn him into a pig… As a matter of fact, Russell shares her interest – although not quite in the same way: He sneaks into his boyfriend’s cage and wakes him up to have him weighed in too, before he starts feeding him pastries and drinking gallons of his creamy milkshakes. Hansel stands up wobbling on the scale – he’s grown quite a large, soft belly – and his weight is up to 310lbs. He might be fat enough to meet the witch’s expectations, but Russell has some other wicked plans for his boy. His concern is soon replaced by lust, so he pins Hansel down, force feeds him and fucks him at the same time, until neither of them can take any more of it…

  Sean’s script followed the four weeks of feeding that the brothers Grimm had first established, so two more weeks go on like that – with a slightly accelerated cutting of the “decorative” scenes around the plot ones. Most of them revolve around Russell, who has to be cunning since the witch is getting more and more impatient to see Hansel grow plump – and as she has every reason to be… He makes some fine moves, suggesting a few minor changes that would help Hansel expand and soften up – where in fact he’s taking advantage of her to have his way with his expanding, softening boyfriend. A few more intimate scenes between Hansel and Russell stands for some sort of porn reward for the dialogue ones.

  They don’t break the overall mood of darkness and danger. After four weeks of working and cooking and waiting – and no result on Hansel’s behalf… – the witch starts looking at Russell in a different way: He’s developed quite a strong, meaty body, but his muscle growth did not quite match his weight gain, and he’s looking nicely plump and smooth. As we have seen the witch force feed Russell again in an earlier scene, this was bound to happen: In quite a long and static master shot, where he’s tied to the kitchen chair, she kept stuffing him chocolate muffins and bananas dipped in honey then in hot chocolate…

  Standing on the scales, Russell proves how wrong the witch was when she thought he wasn’t good enough to be fed in the cage – and that his greedy boyfriend Hansel should go first, instead… Over four weeks of hard work, heavy lifting and deliberately increased overeating, Russell has put on more than 50lbs, almost half of it in his belly and love handles, but also covering his muscles smoothly, all over his body – giving some sort of “buttered up” look to him – and in a most appealing way… The witch could have almost forgotten about Hansel, at this point!

“Fine, Russell. Fine… Go get some wood and start a fire in my oven downstairs. I think it will be time for some different kind of cooking, tomorrow… Then you will feed Hansel with the foods I have cooked for him – pork, beef and chicken rich meals, mashed potatoes and fries, buttery pastas, cheesecakes, cookies, pies and pastries – as much as you can! But also… don’t forget to fill your own belly, tonight – as much as you can hold…”

  She pats Sean around the bellybutton, almost lovingly, and the boy starts obeying at once. Just looking at him go, bringing wood logs to the oven, baking pies and grabbing a bite from time to time, the witch feels more confident about her dark arts: this boy at least will do for a fine meal – so let’s roast the first one, skinny as he is!

  Russell joins Hansel in the basement, with loads and loads of food. In spite of the witch’s doubts about her spells, the “skinny but greedy” boy couldn’t have been more obedient, or fitted any better for the feeding treatment he has received in the cage. His boyfriend has grown muscle and fat to make it to his current weigh of 258lbs, but Hansel has only been fattened up – day and night – for a hundred and thirty days straight… He’s got so round and huge that he must have gained 200lbs at least, according to Russell. And now that they are facing the greatest danger for both of them, the two enchanted boys can’t help themselves in the cage: They pig out on greasy pork ribs, beef steaks and buckets of crispy chicken wings. They keep cramming fries or large spoons of mashed potatoes into their mouths. As soon as they have emptied their plates, pretty much at the same time, they both feast on lasagna, leaving the trays clean. Sitting face to face, they feed pastas and meatballs to each other until their chins and chest are glowing with oil and butter… They hardly pause to guzzle beer from the large pitchers Russell has brought in, and they’re ready for a round of cheesecakes, strawberry tarts, apple and blueberry pies. They eat through the pies in no time, and almost inhale the creamy coconut cakes… Russell makes Hansel wash his last remaining pastries down with some special gainer milkshake – some of the witch’s best stuff, it seems – but they don’t even slow down on the eating, even when their bellies are full to the point of bursting.

  Then Russell snaps out of it. Realising what has just happened to him, he admits he would have got just so fat as Hansel, had he been chosen by the witch to stay inside the cage… He comforts his overstuffed boyfriend for a while, then comes back to the kitchen for some creamy pastries and cakes he has been cooking during the day. Hansel is still under his greedy spell, anyway, and he is begging for more…

  The witch has not lost any of it – the sounds of it, at least. When Russell is back in the kitchen, she calls for him again and rubs his full belly – it feels just perfect, like his softening pecs and butt… She’s giving his round belly sides a few last, appreciative pats. Russell feels like he should complain about having his belly stretched out so much. But the witch interrupts him.

“You better get used to it!… because it’s going to be your turn, by tomorrow. I will take care of you myself, and feed you and fatten you up so much that you will compensate for my failure with Hansel… Now, go back and feed him some more. If you can’t fatten him up, eat up yourself! These pitchers of beer and weight-gain shakes are for you, anyway. Drink them tonight and start fattening up on them!… Now, go!”

  And with a wicked laugh, she sends him back to Hansel.

  Russell bloats on the beer as he stuffs Hansel with more food like crazy… When he’s finally finished with his weight-gain shakes, he lets out a loud, long belch and rubs his over-expanded gut with a deep sigh. There are still more fudge cakes and juicy pear pies for his boyfriend to eat. There is so much left to do – so much more they could do together – his feelings for Hansel are so strong – that he starts massaging Hansel’s huge, pillowy gut as he forces large pieces of pie down his throat, but soon his belly playing grows into something much hotter. The music plays louder as the sexual tension of the scene grows more and more until they both climax in a clash of flash-back images mixed with broken glass and what looks like snow…

  This powerful scene cuts to a funny shot of the witch, sitting back against the wall next to the basement’s opened door. She’s cutting potatoes in a large barrel, to make fries – and listening to the loud, distant belches of the boys. The image is sped up five times so her moves are incredibly fast. The belches added in post-production are also too close and overlapping to be realistic – but she still keeps the same blank expression on her face… Then we go back to Hansel sipping from the pitcher of weight-gain shake and drowning into sleep. Russell is still rubbing his round cheeks, his blubbery gut and love handles, feeding him pop tarts with a somewhat evil grin, encouraging him and whispering to him

“You better get used to it, tubby… because I’m not going to stop feeding you, tomorrow.”

  He also drowns into sleep, eventually, in Hansel’s chubby arms... He hasd time to explain everything to him  how he’s going to finally trick the witch for good, tomorrow. They slowly disappear in the darkness of the room…

  Early in the morning, the witch comes downstairs and wakes up the two boys-turned-pigs. Russell gets up immediately and asks her what work he can do to please her, as he’s done every day until now. But it seems that the witch has already planned something different for him  for a change.

“There’s no need for you to get up, boy… No need for you to get out of this cage anymore, in fact. I say you are going to stay in here and eat up, from now on – just eat, drink and sleep… You have worked well for me as a slave, so I expect that you will do just fine, making a pig of yourself and getting fatter by the day, the way Hansel should have… Here, I will get you started with some breakfast.”

  She has brought a great number of plates and boxes of pastries for him – four apple pies, four blueberry pies and three strawberry cream cakes, five dozen jelly-filled doughnuts and just so many chocolate-frosted and cream-filled ones, three dozen brownies and two large chocolate fudge cakes, along with cinnamon rolls, chocolate chip cookies, waffles with maple syrup and whipped cream, chocolate mousse and other pastries… 

  This would be a ridiculously oversized meal in any other circumstance. Clearly, the witch can’t wait to have Russell fattened up huge and obese for her own, grim delight: For his first morning in the cage, there is almost as much as what Hansel had for his previous breakfast! In spite of all that, Russell is already sitting down when she gives everything to him, with four large pitchers of her special weight-gain milkshake. In the same, spellbound haze, he starts stuffing his face immediately, much to Hansel’s horror.

“There you go, Russell! There’s more, waiting for you in the kitchen. So eat up, boy, and we will be fine! You will NOT stop eating unless I tell you to stop, anyway!”
Russell, no… Come on, you have to fight it! You…”
I can’t I have to eat now…” Russell manages to answer his friend, between mouthfuls.
But the witch… she’s going to…”
Hansel!” the witch commands. Get up and come to me, you good-for-nothing! I’m sick and tired of feeding you, and waiting for you to grow a man’s belly… We’re going to roast you like a chicken today. I don’t care how thin you are. Get out of the cage!”

  And so, leaving a helpless Russell to his rushed eating and loud, obnoxious gulping down in the cage – where he doesn’t seem to notice anything but the food around him, right now… – Hansel slowly stands up and walks a few wobbly, ponderous steps toward the oven. The witch yells at him to hurry up for once. But when she bumps into the huge and soft, fleshy ball that is Hansel’s belly, she doesn’t understand what’s happening. She goes from surprise to astonishment when she grabs the boy’s chubby wrists, feels his chunky love handles, his drooping man boobs, and pinches his wide butt, his plump arms and shoulders…

“What the…”

  After a moment of pure anxiety, the witch comes to the conclusion that Russell has played a trick on her. She couldn’t be any more pissed off at first, but – okay, then  judging from the shamelessly piggish eating sounds coming from the cage, it won’t be long before he grows about the same size as his enormous boyfriend! Then she will teach him a proper lesson, for trying to mess with a witch – but before she takes care of Russell’s punishment, she should enjoy her reward. Finding out that she has fattened up such a nice, plump Hansel is truly enough to calm her down, for the time being… The only problem is that Hansel has become so large, so round and so heavy that she can’t just roast him like that. She can’t even make him sit down, or he won't stand up again.

  Thinking fast, the witch angrily calls for her other boy to help.

“Russell! Stop eating, you cunning piglet! G
et out of the cage… It looks like you have fattened your friend Hansel better than I thought – even better than I thought we could force him to grow, really… but you’re not quite finished working for me yet!”

  Russell snaps out of her eating spell, finally leaving the cream cakes, brownies and milk shakes… with a tremendous belch. There’s hope for the boys, at last! 

  The witch tells Hansel to go sit back in the cage, and goes upstairs for a few more logs and her spell book. She’s obviously confused – mumbling and talking to herself, trying to figure what will be best to do with them. This must be an unprecedented situation for her. On the other hand, Hansel and Russell can barely take a break, breathing slowly, sweating and rubbing their overlapping, soft and hard, distended bellies in circles… Russell looks like a human water balloon, over-inflated with greasy food and about to burst – Hansel looks like a melting, buttery mountain of a boy.

  With not one but two boys, overfed and stuffed beyond obesity, the witch wants to weigh them in, so she can decide how she wants to handle theis new situation. She asks Russell to go first – and he sure shows a lot of promise, already tipping the scale at 268lbs, with a 38” waist and a 44” bloated belly. Then it’s Hansel’s turn. Russell has to help him step on the scale. He’s grown beyond both their expectations: 435lbs!

“This changes everything!
I’m going to need a bigger magic fire, so I will only roast you tomorrow morning, Hansel… This leaves you boys one last day to enjoy yourselves. Now, Russell! You will go get the lasagna and all the other meals I have ready in the kitchen, and feed them to your beautiful Hansel pig... Then I want you to finish your breakfast – and finish all your food just the same! Understand ? Then, before you go back to overeating and grow too fat to move, I want you to help me with the oven!”

  When she comes back to the boys with more logs for the fire, Russell is still feeding lasagna and meatballs to his boyfriend, and eating brownies! The witch can’t help it but drool at the sight of the two hot, male bodies – round, plump and full with blubber and fattening food – sweating and being stuffed some more, their bellies expanding by the minute…

“Russell! Come here!”
But… I’m not finished.”
You’ll get back to it when we’re done with the fire! Here, take these logs.”
Wood won’t be enough. This magic fire needs something big and wicked to burn, all right.”

  And in a sudden move, Russell takes the witch by the waist. He lifts her up and throws her into the fireplace. Then he closes the steel doors, not listening to the screams and cursing from inside. They get more intense then die away… The witch is dead.

“We’re saved, Hansel! There’s only the two of us, now.”
Oh Russell, I was afraid we wouldn’t make it!”
I was afraid we wouldn’t make it without breaking her spell. Let me see

  Russel takes a whole blueberry pie in his hands and gives it to Hansel. Without thinking for a second about how bloated he is, the boy chows down, bite after bite of it until he’s licking his sticky fingers – Russel is eye-fucking him already.

Good, you’re still bewitched” – then, grabbing another cream-pie, he also gorges on food, drinks in a few rushed gulps, lets out a roaring belch and rubs both their guts – “and so am I, now that I’m done with the fire! Wow, I feel so hungry. What do you say we go back to some more important business ?
Yeah Let’s go back – into the cage!”

  The movie pretty much ends here. The last feeding and sex scene slowly gets blurry for the credits to start rolling in.

  It took four months to shoot the scenes of Hansel & Russell – the schedule had been carefully established so that each day in the movie was shot over four to five days. There were little rehearsal, but the crew had to light the set, put the camera on rails, a crane or a dolly for some shots. Sean had been given the green light from the production because he wanted the boys’ gain to be consistent, of course – but it made for some comfortable shooting conditions for the rest of the crew, as the two main actors needed long pauses to take in all the food they were stuffing their faces with on-screen.

  Not surprisingly either, the rushes put together were about 48 hours long... Sean had already worked with the editing script so he knew exactly what was going to make it and what would have to hit the floor. But he had not quite figured how long the final cut would be: the plot scenes only were about an hour and a half, and with the “decorative” scenes – Jim’s and his personal favorites, actually – Hansel & Russell was no less than two hours and ten minutes long. Not quite the format you would expect for porn…

  When they heard about this, their producers started freaking out – mostly because they had given Sean the final cut. The early feedback they got from the crew was very positive, if not enthusiastic. But no matter how good it was, they had yet to find the right audience for it. Sean invited them for a private preview, like a screen test. The sound tracks only lacked the music. The four producers came and were given a pen and paper to write down whatever suggestions or critics they had. They saw the movie and gave the pages back to Sean. There was nothing written on most of them. Only one producer had first written “complex symbols and images” but he had scratched it and only added “OK” on the side, and “Great!” at the end.

  It was a lot more satisfying, of course, with the soundtracks. In addition to the elaborate sound design for most of the scenes, where Sean had only given instructions to some students of the AFI, the music was composed with excerpts from operas – not just Humperdinck’s Hansel & Gretel, but also Wagner’s dramas, Liszt’s symphonic poems and other powerful orchestral works… mostly nineteen century Romantic stuff. The first sex scene in the forest had been shot and cut in order to fit a section of Tannhäuser’s orgiastic prelude, for instance.

  The final product was the most bizarre and ambitious picture the porn studio had ever produced, or even seen. They were actually proud to show it to distributors, who were astounded at first – but in the end, just crazy about it. The porn aspects put aside – or the gainer aspects, if you want – it had the quality of a high-standard, classic, avant-garde movie… And it was probably the first time in history that these underground industry people had a fight over the rights of a movie – an independent one, no less!

  Jim and Sean had no idea about this, honestly. And they couldn’t care less about it: Sean had done his best, because that’s who he is, but he had had his share of a good deal and he was just happy that he could have shared it with Jim and Dory. The three of them had enjoyed every minute of it.

  For the opening scenes, Jim had trimmed down to 190lbs, once again. But since his body couldn’t wait to grow back, Sean had no problem fattening him up very fast… It made for some amazing full-bellied early scenes, and after four months, the former model had put on a huge belly, plump like a pillow full of delicious butter fat. It was his best accomplishment as feeder. And his personal best, too – as he had gained and grown himself better than he thought he would. When the last scenes were shot and the rushes ready for editing, Jim and Sean allowed themselves a break to go in Florida for a week.

  After being cooped up in the kitchen and basements of their house in the mountains for four months, they needed some sun. They needed some actual private, quality time together, too – since the DP at least would always be there operating the cameras during their sex scenes. More than anything, they needed some rest: A hundred and twenty-two days of eating and bingeing, twenty hours a day sometimes, had left Jim drained of all energy.

  Sean had fed him more than he had been fed, but he had to be everywhere at once, and not just his character going from Hansel to the witch: all the important decisions, and a lot of the minor ones, were left up to him…

  They didn’t do anything for the duration of that week – since sunbathing, sleeping, taking a nap and lying on the couch aren’t exactly Olympic disciplines… Sean had put both of them on a healthy diet, to restore their tired and enlarged stomachs, guts and digestive systems. It was just the thing to do to let their bodies take in the food, grow fat and settle down. Before they left the hotel, Sean asked for their end results: he weighed no less than 250lbs, with a 38” waist – which made for 22% body fat, covering the muscles on his solid frame and concentrating more in a round pot gut around his bellybutton.

“How about you ‘my dear Hansel’ ?… Think you’re oven material, yet ?”

  Jim was a little over 420lbs – and in theory his waist was about 66”, but maybe that’s what you would call circumference: his body looked like a round head, chubby arms, and meaty thighs and legs had been assembled around a magnificent ball belly topped with two large, drooping man breasts, and resting on larger, rounder butt cheeks.

“420lbs, Jim ?… and 45% body fat, I guess.”
Hmmm, then I’m not quite ready yet.”
Right, you need some more fattening up.”
Let’s go back.”

  When Dory welcomed them, back in town, it hit them. As far as reviews go in that restricted porn industry dealing with gainer business, Hansel & Russell had won some unprecedented critical acclaim. And, more than anything, copies of the movie had been sold like ten times to the same sex clubs, who planned to keep it on display for months – a smart move from these guys, too, who must have had some experience in cult movies. It had already made a ton of cash, and the producers found themselves under a constant flow of money that was covering the product’s original budget two hundred times and more! When Sean finally called them, they were excited so much that he thought they were mad at him for some reason… As it turned out, they were going to offer him a position as production manager.

  After a few good laughs, Sean realized what he had done. Dory had told him about the large deposit made to his bank account for his mandatory percentages and royalties – but knowing Dory, he thought she had made a joke to cheer them up… But it was pretty much the same for Jim and her. They couldn’t believe it.

  Sean thought about it for a moment. Money was good, but it also meant some kind of publicity that he didn’t like in the least… They started receiving letters from theatres and sex clubs owners who claimed to be official fans. Then the letters got less and less official. It was even worse on the Net. Jim and Sean needed to take a step back from this turmoil – so Sean wrote to an editor who had already worked on the design and books related to these gainer porn movies. He was offering him to publish Jim’s gainer documentary, which would also work as “behind the scenes” for “Hansel & Russell”. The title was self-explanatory: “S&M – Sean & the Model”. That proposition was immediately accepted.

  Taking a few weeks at his place to clear his mind and focus on what was really important to him, Sean chose the pictures with Dory and Jim, wrote the presentation and commentaries. It was a bit of a melancholic work for him. In fact, he considered it as his ‘final tour’ on the feeding scene. He was totally devoted to Jim’s gain – and his own. Jim was almost 440lbs, and he needed plenty of loving and comforting. Sean helped him go back to a serious work-out routine and build some good muscle mass too, after the shooting of “Hansel”, so that he could gain more and still stay healthy – in the lazy lifestyle that he had been accustomed to.

  The first edition of S&M was ready. Dory was left in charge of dealing with the editor. Feeling that the book would be a success, the editor thought further about it and asked for a DVD version of S&M. Sean accepted on the phone, but he had something else in mind. The propose of the book for him was to end it and tear the “myth” aspects apart, from the inside. Basically, the message was “Anyone can do it the way we did. So everybody should be allowed to do it” – Sean only added to Jim “and let us keep doing it in peace”…

  The book wasn’t exactly a best-seller by any common standards, but it did pretty well. Unfortunately, the readers hod only bought it for the progress pics and stats – and chances are they didn’t read anything more of it. The feedback they got from gainer sites or groups on the web certainly looked like they had not seen Sean’s point. The funniest thing that Jim and Sean were asked – if not requested – to do was… a sequel of the book or a second DVD!

“Wow, the Internet is a crazy place.”
It really is. But asking for more books or movies ?… come on!”
I know… Like they didn’t understand it was make-believe.”
But we’re not like that, right ?”
No we’re not.”
You and I, we want it to be real.”
Sure we do – not just some hack writer storytelling…”
You know what we really want ?”
I think I know what you want, Jim.”
Okay, so… what do you think I want ?”
More, Jim. You want more.”
Well, more is what you'll get, then. Come on…”

  With all the copies of S&M sold along with the one-year DVD documenting his weight-gain, Jim asked Dory how much money he had made, and being serious about it for the first time… He almost fainted: he thought he was filthy rich. Jim would never have to struggle or work ever again.

  He had to get drunk and be force fed immediately. Good thing Sean was up to the task. He was getting nicely plump himself, slowly but surely – and he could fatten up for good now, taking care of Jim. And they lived together like that, so “happily ever after” as reality can afford, and so “happily ever fatter” as money can buy… 


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