Friday, February 19, 2016

A Bittersweet Symphony (2nd mvt.)

II – [Largo sostenuto] “Five steps, four weeks

  The house was big, with large windows opening on the landscape – nothing but trees and the distant mountain tops. It was almost too peaceful for words. Jim spoke louder and more than he used to. He thought the living room was big enough to host parties for fifty guests, at least, but most of all he was amazed at the size of Sean’s industrial kitchen: If he used all his tools to cook for him, and if he was half as good as a chef as he was good-looking, Jim was now pretty confident he would put on weight fast, without having to struggle against his blast-furnace metabolism...

  Sean told Jim he could have the large bedroom by the pool. It was in a separate pool house, actually, and it looked just perfect with a hot Jacuzzi next to it. Jim liked his bedroom at first sight: It was on ground floor, like the living room and kitchen. On the first floor, Sean had his own bedroom next to a fully equipped gym and another guest room that wouldn’t be used now. Each guest room had its own bathroom. Jim unpacked, changed into shorter, light linen clothes. Then he sat down on the living room’s large leather couch and looked around him. Sean had quite good interior decorating skills, too. Jim was running through his DVD collection when he joined him. They both knew it was time to get back to serious stuff again. Sean was still politely engaging the subjects.
“I haven’t asked you yet, Jim, but... if it’s not a problem for you, I would like to follow your progress, for the next four weeks.”
Follow my progress ? What does that mean, exactly ?”
I was thinking, this is a great opportunity for me to get new data about a man’s weight gain. So, I would like to weigh you, take some measurements, check your pulse, blood pressure and so on. I was thinking on a daily basis – like every morning, right before breakfast. It would be the best moment for it, if you don’t mind me taking pics of you.”
“Come on, Sean. I’m a model. I don’t mind at all. I can understand you look at it with the eyes of a nutritionist.”
Yes... And also, I want to make sure you are healthy and in good shape.”
Then I should have no reason to say no, really...”
Thanks, Jim. How about taking your first set of pics now ? It’s still 8:30. Did you have something to eat in the plane ?”
Nothing much. I don’t think that will count”, Jim laughed.

  Sean put a large scale in place at a corner of the room, while Jim took off the shirt and short pants he had just put on. He had no trouble undressing in front of Sean, anyway. He stood straight on the scale, and Sean read 171lbs. Jim’s waist was 31” – which Sean commented was almost too thin for his 6’1” frame. Sean also measured Jim around the chest, hips, arms and thighs. He wrote everything down on his clip book. Then he took a few pics of Jim.

“That’s all for today. Now for the fun part... I hope you’re hungry, Jim.”
Oh yes.”
Let’s get started, then.”

  Jim sat down at the kitchen table, while Sean was beginning to cook.

“I haven’t told you, Sean, but I really liked what you said in the car. You know, about the steps into gaining weight...”
I’m glad you agree with it, Jim. Want to know about the next steps ?”
What was your last one ?”
Don’t you remember ?”
I think it goes like... One – make me happy. Two – make me lazy. Three – make me hungry... Am I right ?”
You’re damn right. You’re an excellent listener. And if you’ve understood it so well so soon, I should be proud of you in a near future...”
So, what’s step four ?”
Step four is the obvious one. Can’t you venture a guess ?”
Oh, well...”

  Jim was blushing again and again. He was totally under Sean’s charm, without even thinking about it. Still wearing nothing but his briefs, as he didn’t bother to put on his shirt when Sean had asked him to sit at the kitchen table as he was preparing breakfast, Jim looked at his cook. The weather was so hot, Sean would probably take off his shirt off, too.

“So, I guess step four would be – make me eat ?...”
Of course it is, Jim. I can only hope to be as good a master as you are a student. You’re right: After I’ve made you comfortable and hungry, I have to make you eat – and eat a lot, in fact, if we want you to put on weight.”
Okay... So, what am I going to eat ?”
Don’t disappoint me now... We’ve been talking about this.”
In the car ? Oh, you mean...”
Yes, Jim ?”
Let me think again... Or rather – not think, right ?”

  Jim winked at Sean, offering him his best smile. Sean smiled back. The two were really clicking. Sean was tending to the pans and casseroles on the oven hot plates, but he was looking at Jim with more interest.

“There was apple pie. I love pies but, to be honest, I haven’t tasted one in years! There was pizza too. I like pretty much all kinds of pizzas – except when they have anchovies... What was next ? Oh, yes: lasagna, of course. Or was it spaghetti ?...”
It was lasagna, Jim. But it’s good. Go on.”
Okay, then I had fried chicken. Home-made is my favorite. I never liked it so much in a bucket. But I don’t think it will be a problem for you... Then, I’m pretty sure I thought about fast food. I’m not sure why, because I never go to burger joints...”
I’ll make you home-made cheese burgers, Jim.”
Then, there was cheesecake. Or chocolate cream cake ?... Oh, and chocolate mousse!”
You like chocolate mousse, Jim ?”
Well, duh!... Who doesn’t ?”
You’re right: everybody loves chocolate mousse. What’s more important is that you like it a lot. But you have forgotten something.”
What ? Huh... Okay, wait... Oh, I know: French fries.”
Yes, but then again, what’s important is not the French fries.”
It’s not ?”
It’s what they stand for: all your favorite kinds of food. And that’s exactly what you will eat from now on.”
Oh ?... Of course, that’s the best thing to do.”
What’s your favorite ice-cream flavour ?”
I’m sorry, I have no idea... I’ve barely even tasted ice-cream. Where I come from is a lot colder than your neck of the woods...”
Then I will introduce you to ice-cream, Jim. Do you like pancakes ?”
Yes! Love them!”
What kind of jam ?”
What kind do you have ?”
Name your favourite kind and you will get it, at least by tomorrow morning.”
I should not make life difficult for you. I like strawberry, raspberry and all the others...”
“It’s an important question. I’m making pancakes for you now. With both strawberry and raspberry jam. There will be scrambled eggs, sausages and bacon. And here’s your first cheesecake. Make a wish, Jim.”

  Jim wished that Sean would make him enjoy every next bite and pound more than the previous ones. And, looking at the cake, he trusted his cook to be up to the task and make this wish become reality.

“Eat, Jim! We don’t have much time, so I will explain you how we are going to spend the next four weeks together later.”

  Jim was soon surrounded by a number of large plates almost overflowing with scrambled eggs, mounds of bacon and sausages, white bread toasted with butter and chocolate, pancakes after pancakes being put in front of him with more butter and jam, or maple syrup. Sean had also cut the cheesecake in eight large pieces. Jim had already understood that he was supposed to eat it whole...

“Don’t eat too fast. You have time: As long as your mouth is full and you have more in your plate, you know you’re not in trouble. So, you can take it easy.”
Hmmmmph... Okay. Thanks.”
How do you like those pancakes ?”

  Jim nodded. He was still eating pretty fast, and he didn’t mind showing Sean how good it felt to have so much delicious food just waiting to go down his throat and into his stomach. The attention he got from his devoted cook and servant didn’t hurt either, and it was not lost on Sean that he could take advantage of it, later. Right now, Sean opened a second box of pancake mix, offered a tray of chocolate muffins to Jim and watched him eat. He smiled to himself as Jim was already showing the first signs of gluttony.

“God, Sean! This tastes so good... You’re an amazing cook!”
Good, Jim. Then clean your plates and get ready to eat some more... I must say, when Dory told me about you, I had doubts. Now that I’ve met you and we’ve finally started you on a new diet, I feel a lot better... Which leads me right to our next and last step: Five – to make you enjoy.”

  This took Jim by surprise, and he stopped stuffing his face for a moment. This was just what he had wished for! How fast was it going to happen in reality ?...

“Looks like you’ve understood the first four steps no problem. This last one is the most important, really. You’re not just eating to eat, now. You shouldn’t even eat to put on weight. No, you should be eating because you LOVE to eat so much. And I should only cook to make you find your true passion in life. And that it is a passion for good food...”

  Jim was eating ravenously again, but still listening to Sean. He was going through his second round of pancakes in large mouthfuls, when he felt like he should share his thoughts with Sean. Besides, he could afford to hold on for a moment. He had eaten quite well already, having emptied four plates of pancakes and three pots of jam, along with two large plates of eggs and bacon and the dozen muffins. Sean had made some hot chocolate milk for him, too, and he drank it almost all at once.

“Don’t overdo it, Jim. Like I told you, there’s no rush.”
I was thirsty. And this tastes just great!”
I’ll make more for you, then.”
I have to say, Sean... This is all new for me, but you’re so right about... about enjoying ourselves. I think we should enjoy ourselves... doing this together.”
If you’re happy about it, then I am just as well. I wasn’t wrong when I said you were a good student. If everything goes the way I expect, you might be the best guy I’ve ever had under my care. And that’s saying something.”
I was just wondering... I mean... You said, I should eat to enjoy myself. And I couldn’t agree with you more, but... But that’s going back to step one, isn’t it ? – making me happy. So... if I follow this pattern, you make me happy, so I get lazy, so I get hungry, so you make me eat a lot and so that I enjoy myself, so I feel happier, get lazier than I was, and hungrier than before, then you can cook and make me eat even more... It’s a circle.”
  This was time for Sean to stop – cooking, in his case. He looked at Jim in a totally different way. It was more than interest now, and more than pride. There was admiration in his eyes, almost adoration.

“Do you know what you just did, Jim ?... You’ve got it! You’ve totally got it. You thought about this method better and faster than any of the other guys I’ve had to feed!”
I’m not sure I have. This is all great and delicious, but my question was: How could a guy you’ve put on such a pattern can get out of the circle ? I don’t get it. How could Russel Crowe possibly get to lose weight for his next movie ?...”
You don’t know ?”
I should think further about it ?...”
You won’t have to, really. I’m sure you will find out soon enough by yourself...”
Do you think so ?”
I do. I trust you like you can trust me.”
Then I should eat more, instead!”
  Jim didn’t need more encouragement. He started stuffing his face again.

“I can’t tell you how happy I am to have met you, Jim. You’re brilliant!”
...Are you kidding ?”
I’m not. Just eat, Jim. Eat! I promise, if you follow my advice in that state of mind, you will be my masterpiece. There... Eat some more.”

  And Jim ate. Sean cooked more food for him with enthusiasm – for five hours straight. Food was always easy to go down: more muffins, different kinds of pudding, orange sponge cake, white cheese with jam and whipped cream, buttery croissants, buns and doughnuts... Sean had been baking all day, before Jim had come to his place. Now, he encouraged him to eat and eat more. Jim was overwhelmed by the enormous amount of food, and the variety of it, but probably even more by the strong mix of feelings and thoughts he had shared with Sean.

  Jim had to stop eating when he felt his stomach and guts were too stuffed for him to possibly eat another bite. Sean didn’t insist. He was already so proud of Jim. The young male model had gone lie down on the couch. Sean was washing the dishes. He joined him in the living room and looked intently at Jim’s almost naked, bloated body as he was sleeping. Jim was full in such a way that you could already tell how he was going to grow. This made Sean excited and delighted in advance, as he was picturing him twenty, thirty pounds fatter than he was now...

  When he finally got up, Jim thought he was still pretty full. It was a good thought, as he had wondered in his sleep if it was possible for him to gain his thirty pounds faster, so his relationship with Sean wouldn’t be so single-minded. Jim resisted the urge to get on the scale. In fact, he was feeling so heavy, sitting on the couch, and he didn’t want to get up. It wasn’t bad either: Jim remembered he was supposed to be lazy.

“Did you have a nice sleep ?”
Oh, yes... Were you here all the time ?”
No, I’ve just come back.”
Where have you been ?”
“Shopping. I have big meal plans for you, tonight.”
Of course,” Jim chuckled. “Wow, it’s already 5 PM ?”
You’ve been eating past noon... And you needed to sleep at some point.”
Still... I should do something else than just sleep, when you’re here...”
No, you shouldn’t. When you feel like sleeping, just go for a nap.”
Huh, okay... Is there something else I should do ?”
That’s right, we haven’t talked about my ‘rules’ around the house. There aren’t many. And you will find they’re pretty simple to follow, after what we’ve discussed before.”
“Okay ?”
There it is: First – You will attend to every meal I cook for you.”
Are you joking ? That’s not even a rule!”
I’m afraid it will be. You’ve only had one meal today, until now. You’ve eaten quite well, but by the end of the month, I expect you to make six whole meals a day.”
Six ? You mean... like this morning’s breakfast ?”
Pretty much. Maybe not so much at a time...”
That’s a lot!”
Then you have to eat a lot, remember ?”
You’re right. I should know better...”
Second rule is about your physical activities: Looks like you’ve adopted this couch. It will be yours. I will coach you so you work out once a week – never more than this. Your next days will be spent between your bed and shower, this couch, and the pool.”
How about kitchen ?”
You will eat here, and I will feed you as well.”
Feed me ? I’m not a baby...”
That’s not what I meant. Feeding you will be easier after you’re quite full. It’s okay if you eat enough on your own, but I would like to give you a taste of it tonight anyway – just like I will have you taste ice-cream after dessert.”
Oh, okay then... Who knows ? I may enjoy it, after all.”
Yes, who knows ? Third rule is about food again: I want no leftovers. I will always ask you first, if you’re up for this kind of food or another. But once you’ve said yes, you will have to eat it to the last crumb. I hope you understand this last rule.”
I should! I’ve signed on that contract without reading it. I won’t let myself get caught like that again... Is that all ?”
If you’re okay with it, then that’s all.”
So... What’s for dinner, then ?”
Everything you’ve asked for: lasagna with a side salad, spaghetti with meatballs and a creamy tomato sauce, home-made cheeseburgers and grilled cheese steaks, two pizzas with ham, pepperoni, mushrooms, eggs, cream, cheese and black olives topping, fried chicken breasts and wings with French fries, strawberry cheesecake and cream cake with chocolate frosting, home-baked apple pie and...”
“Huh, don't tell me... chocolate mousse ?”
A whole punch bowl full of it. All for you, Jim. Are you on board ?”

  Jim was looking at Sean, his eyes glowing with lust in the beginning darkness. He was absent-mindedly rubbing his gut, still shaped into a round curve, full of food being digested. Of course he was on board with Sean. He laid back on the couch, finding a more comfortable position for his back.

“Just wake me up when the lasagna is ready...”

  After a week, Sean thought he had figured out how Jim worked, thought and saw the world around him. That boy was insatiable. He was impatient, moody at times, easily irritated but also easily pleased. He had doubts, but he was not hard to convince. He was smart, but he didn’t match wits with Sean. He was not at all disciplined, but as Sean held him in a tight grip, he turned out to be obedient and a good eater, pretty soon.

  From his first day as his guest, Jim had shown an appetite Sean considered like it belonged to his fantasies. Jim was trying hard to please Sean too, so he always ate as fast as he could. Of course, Sean was cooking too much for Jim, and the poor boy was challenging himself to eat it all, for two or three hours, if not more, as he had made him a promise. Sean hardly ever stopped feeding him before he was stuffed full. And Jim’s pauses were always short – so his stomach only had time to stretch and get ready for more, not rest and shrink down...

  What was really amazing to Sean was that Jim always ended up cleaning his plate, no matter how long it took. His first dinner felt like it would be an endless feast. Jim had gone through his first courses – lasagna, pizzas and pastas – in less than an hour maybe. The first signs of fullness and efforts were during his second helping of fried chicken with cheese steaks and fries. Jim suggested they have a short pause, and after a few minutes he was feeling better and ready for more. Sean had only accepted because it was his first big meal. Then he fed him again and more, showing no mercy. His cooking was too good to be turned down, anyway...

  Jim began to complain for good when Sean put the huge chocolate cream cake on the table and told him he had to eat. They made a second pause, and Sean kindly put his hands on Jim’s stuffed stomach, massaging it slowly and in ways that made Jim moan. He wouldn’t complain about being full anymore… As a matter of fact, he ate his way through the chocolate cake faster than expected, and finished his last piece of pie with a few spoonfuls of chocolate ice-cream six hours after he his first bite of pizza. And he told Sean he loved ice-cream. When Sean put his overfed boy to bed, he looked at him again and smiled. He couldn’t be more satisfied by Jim.

  There were other reasons for him to be proud of his boy.

  Sean had made it clear to Jim that he wouldn’t tell him about his morning weight or measurements every day – he would have to wait for a week, so the results would be more significant. Jim had accepted it, like this was no big deal to him. Sean said he didn’t want to put too much pressure on him, but he knew how impatient Jim really was to know about his gain. This was rather sly of him, because the wait and almost anxiety about the end results made Jim hungry and eating much better, day after day.

  Jim’s childish disrespect, sporadic outbursts and moments of bad mood put aside, Sean was secretly enjoying the changes of attitude in his boy. A month had gone by since Jim had broken up with a boyfriend who was too generous in bed, and you could so tell he was needy. It was summer. The weather was heavenly hot, he was fed too much and too good... To make it even worse, Sean was cooking naked under his apron! Jim couldn’t stop drooling. He had so much energy in him – his blood was all sugar-high and boiling... He was restless, not even trying to hide his constant hard-on anymore... but the only way Sean left him to get it all out was to eat.

  So Jim almost never stopped eating.

  It went way beyond temptation. Sean would call for him to eat half a dozen apple pies or taste some new ice-cream flavour – he would comment on the fact that Jim had nothing to eat, after they had been by the pool for a moment. Jim always had to eat, when he was with Sean. Then, Sean would leave him alone, and Jim couldn’t stand it so he joined him and ended up eating some more... Jim didn’t mind feeling full all the time. He thought it would please Sean, too, and that it was a good thing for both of them that he put on weight as soon as possible.

  Deep down, Jim didn’t care so much about his weight. He had to gain, and he was doing his best. He didn’t really care about the food either. It was his favorite food, and top quality, but he was more looking for attention – a compliment – or some affectionate words from his cook and friend. Deeper down, he was waiting for Sean to finally fuck his brains out...

  Unfortunately, Sean had much more self-control than him. He was hard most of the time, but that was to be expected from such a healthy guy, always half-naked and too busy in the kitchen. Sean fed Jim with a lot of attention, making compliments and encouraging his boy now and then... but on the whole, Jim found him to be rather cold. Like he was not interested. That hurt him. He would get angry against him and pout for a moment, then his needs took him over, so he played nice and obedient when Sean came back to feed him some more. He calmed down eventually, talking with Sean, eating more than before, hoping they would get to know each other better and get to more sweaty business.
  Besides, Jim found Sean to be totally his type. He looked a little like Dean, actually. Jim had a thing for tall and strong, dark-haired, handsome guys like Sean. As he was shaving him every morning before his weigh in, measurements and pics, Sean neglected to shave himself, and he was growing a bushy, chestnut beard that matched his perfectly hairy chest and torso. It was only practical, and after a week Sean cut his full beard quite short – which was surprisingly appealing to Jim. Sean had to be at least 180lbs of meat and muscle, and he was imposing to Jim. He was also working out upstairs, while Jim had to lie down on the couch and eat a whole chocolate cake, two apple pies and a gallon of chocolate mint ice-cream...

  No matter how fat he was getting, it was hard for Jim to think that he couldn’t win this guy and take him to bed. After a short night of sleep on a bloated belly, Jim woke up usually doubting about himself, feeling sloppy and unattractive. He found some comfort in the company of Sean, who was being so nice and friendly, complimenting him about his appetite – and feeding him increasing quantities of good food...

  What was beyond any doubt, for the two of them, were the changes in Jim’s physique. Sean managed to restrain himself – and it wasn’t easy – but Jim had no idea how bad he wanted to grab his growing love handles and rounding belly... Sean behaved and waited – as it was all for a greater good. He kept encouraging Jim about eating and everything. He made a few critiques, too. Just the right amount to make Jim want to do better, and so he wasn’t only praising him. These methods were not his favorites, but they worked. So he complied to them.

  Jim was getting plump, a little bit more from one day to the next. He was so stuffed for the most of the time that he didn’t really know in the morning if it was a little or a lot more – or if it was enough. It was far from enough, according to Sean, but he didn’t comment on it, because Jim was growing pretty fast too. His first measurements, before Sean started feeding him, were:

Body Fat
9,5 %
  Not much to work on, really. But Sean secretly loved the challenge. And he was honest with Jim – as much as he could to get what he wanted. Jim looked great, and he was just like Sean said: well-built, slender, almost too thin for a 6’1’’ model... It would be a good thing for him to bulk up a bit, and get a more impressive, massive look.

  Now, after a week on Sean’s cooking, with four to five large meals every day, followed by long naps by the pool, on the couch or in his bedroom, Jim had grown quite a lot. And all the added weight was so fat as promised. Sean was smiling covertly when he saw his sleepy boy undress for his morning check-up: Jim sported a great tan, and his smooth skin looked even more appealing to him as it was expanding from the effects of laziness and intensive overeating. Jim had fleshed out nicely: his beginning belly was bulging, round and spreading as Jim took a deep breath and let go – almost shaking with flab, as he stepped on the scale... Sean had to promise he would share the results, this time. Jim wanted to know how he was doing.

  His measurements for that day were:

Body Fat
15,3 %
“Wow, I’ve really put on 11lbs in just a week ?”
You sure did, Jim. And what’s good too is 3 more inches of waist.”
Really ?”
Of course. They were asking for a noticeable difference, for your next session, right ? I’m proud of you, Jim. This is a good result.”
Gee... Thanks! Right now, I feel thicker in the middle – and heavier, that’s true. But I have yet to put on another 19lbs, according to my contract.”
And I’m sure you will.”
Honestly ? I thought I would never make it. Now, I know I would never have been able to do it... but I’m confident that you can make me do it!”
I can and I will, Jim. And you’ve been eating very well.”
Thanks... It’s not hard to eat too much when it’s always so good.”
Then I will feed you the same – and more.”
What can I say ? You’re the expert!” Jim was very cheerful. “Whatever you tell me to eat, I will stuff my face and stomach with it.”
Glad to see you’re in such a good disposition.” Sean said with a half-wicked smile.
And... are my stats good for you ?”
Your stats ? Let’s see... I was hoping you would gain a little more weight, honestly. But we shouldn’t concentrate so much on these so early on... You’re right: we have three more weeks to go, then you will show some more appreciable changes.”

  Jim didn’t change his mind. His pouts became less and less frequent. His angry outbursts were disappearing and soon forgotten. Jim was getting mellow, in fact. He spent his days in such a prolonged stuffed haze that it was getting more and more difficult to complain. He felt too heavy – and getting heftier – to argue with Sean. His own body softened any blow, as it was growing plump and buttery. Jim didn’t even resist Sean feeding him any more, after a week of intensive overeating under his encouragement and coaching, and no matter how forceful he was then: when Sean came to him with a large bowl or plate, Jim knew he had to eat whatever was weighing the container down...

  He did everything as he was told, now – and he didn’t mind at all. He had been so nervous at first, afraid he would not put on weight fast enough. After his first weekly measurements, Sean had made his point: He knew how to make a hot jock get fat, even against a metabolism so fast as Jim’s was. The young model had made his point, too: He may have been a little slow on the intake, but Sean was pleasantly surprised with his progress.

  Jim’s physical changes – obvious weight gain and belly growth – were not so interesting to Sean as his psychological changes: The boy was getting greedy, and at such a rate that his cook began to consider turning him into a genuine glutton as a strong possibility... Jim was also getting horny, more irritable and frustrated about it after each day. Sean had slowly but constantly increased the quantities in Jim’s every meal, as he was adding more butter, lard, sauce, sugar and syrup to the recipes – so Jim could compensate his lack of sex activities with too much food. But it wasn’t enough any more for Jim, and Sean noticed it with a grin: Jim didn’t care so much about the quality of Sean’s cooking – and he didn’t feel so satisfied as he used to, when his belly was full. It made him even hornier, in fact – and hungry at the same time! This was perfect – just what Sean had been working on for two weeks.

  The formerly trim model was almost ready for him, now. Plump and ripe... Sean could smile again: Jim was definitely getting plump!

“You have a very interesting body, Jim. I understand why you have so much success as a male model.”
You really think I look good ?”
Of course. You’re a very attractive boy.”

  Jim was totally bloated – and resting, arms and legs spread out on the couch, his ball belly round and stretched to its max – as he was now after every evening meal Sean cooked for him. He wasn’t feeling at his sexiest ever, but a compliment was always good to him. It was a welcomed change from something else to eat: Sean was slowly pouring creamy hot chocolate milk down Jim’s throat, holding the boy’s head. Then he pushed a large piece of his home-made butter toffee into his mouth, after each long sip. Jim didn’t find it so easy to answer as he had to chew and swallow. But Sean may have had a topic in mind, this time, because he let him pause and talk back...

“It’s nice to hear that I’m attractive for the last time, before I go back to work...”
Why ? Do they tease you at work ?”
They did a little, but they will tease me a lot. I can already hear them: ‘Wow, Jim! You got so fat!’... Fucking bastards.”
They’re probably fucking themselves already – My opinion ? they will be jealous of you.”
Because I’m getting fat ?”
It looks just perfect on you. Honestly, Jim... Don’t you think you look better now that you’ve put on ten pounds ?”
Hey, watch it: Eleven! And I hope I’m up to fifteen, after tonight’s meal... You’re such a good cook, I guess I would have put on weight even if I wasn’t supposed to.”
That’s very flattering.”
That’s the truth... But to answer your question, I’ve realised a few days ago that... Well, I don’t mind getting plump. I heard what you said to me. I had a reason to try it out, so I did – with enough tasty food and support to gain twice as much as I did... and I kinda like it. So... I don’t regret it.”
If you really think so, I will have no problem fattening you up to a good thirty pounds!”

  Jim laughed and patted his round belly. Sean watched him slowly get hot and horny under his own touch – it was only a matter of days... Rushing things would be a mistake, but Sean was wondering now if it wasn’t just the right time already. He was pouring more milk into Jim’s opened and enlarged throat. His boy was showing signs of early chubbiness – cheeks looking rounder and fuller, double chin forming and growing... Lost in his thoughts, Sean almost forgot to take the pitcher away. Jim would have had to drink like half a gallon of buttery whole milk in a single sip – but he snapped out of it just in time.

“Sorry, Jim. I was, huh...”

  That was the loudest belch Jim had ever let out, and such a long one too. He blushed and excused himself – he had never belched before, in the two weeks Sean had been feeding him and fattening him up. He was so confused, he didn’t notice how hard Sean was right now, and lusting for him.

“...I’m really being rude... Sorry.”
Don’t feel sorry, Jim. It’s good that you belch.”
You don’t think it’s gross ?”
Why should I ? I’m the one responsible for it, after all!”
Huh... Yeah, but...”
It’s good feedback, really. Now I can carefully say that I’m keeping you well fed. I’ll take it as a compliment.”
That’s a pretty weird compliment to make.”
How could you tell me in a better way that my food tastes good ?”
So... it’s okay if I belch again ?”
Please do, Jim. Stuff your little belly and belch all you like!”

  Milk was followed, after a short pause, by an endless beer bong for Jim – where Sean forced him to drink like a dozen bottles of Guinness Stout. That made him secretly happier than he cared to admit. Sean wanted his boy to put on a good, overhanging beer gut. Then he stuffed him with hot dogs dripping with ketchup or mustard on the side... Sean had changed his original plans for the night to feed Jim some more, and so he could hear him belch – long, loud and low...

  It was puzzling for Jim that Sean took such side interests in his weight progress. But Sean had already let it out that the young boy was way too uptight for a model. So he let himself go. He let Sean feed him a lot more, meal after meal. He spent the rest of the day lying on the couch, or by the pool, guzzling beer and burping like he wanted to set some new world record... On top of everything he ate, Sean forced him to chow down way too much food – like a pig. Jim was secretly pleased and aroused that he was taken care of in such a rough, manly way. So he kept on filling and stuffing his gut until it was Monday again... It was also starting to be hard for him to get up and stand straight on the scale. After two weeks following Sean’s diet plans, Jim’s fat had mostly settled in his belly, with only growing curves and rolls all over his body.

  His measurements now were:

Body Fat
20,5 %
What ? Only ten pounds ?” Jim complained, “Am I getting behind schedule ?”
Don’t worry about it, Jim. It’s still good. Look at your measurements: 3 more inches of waist. 2 more inches of hips. Your chest is getting fuller too... And you’re just starting to get a nice ball belly. Let me see...”

  Sean put the tape measure around Jim’s stomach, and he was proud to tell his boy that his belly was a round 38”, getting larger than his official waistline. This calmed Jim down a little, but he was still concerned about his weight. He should be heavier and fatter. He knew Sean thought so, but didn’t want to bother him about it or put him under too much pressure. It was more than enough to make him ravenous, that day.

  Sean had to eat sometimes too. He was working out upstairs during Jim’s naps, but he also joined him for a bite or two during his meals and feeding hours. After two weeks of constant overeating under his care, and with such good results, Jim commented to Sean that he looked somewhat bigger too. Sean was quite the stud, athletic and active around the house, but you could see there was more than a hint of a belly forming over his shorts, as he was shirtless all the time.

“...How much do you weigh, Sean ?”
Off-season, I tend to put on a little weight. But I’m usually around 180, up to 185lbs.”
I wonder... Would you mind checking on the scale ?”
Not at all.”

  Jim was right: Sean weighed no less than 195lbs – and with a 33” waist he measured himself. He would not fit into the jeans he was wearing when he had first welcomed him, two weeks ago. Jim remembered they were size 30”.

“So you’ve put on 10lbs too ?”
Actually, I had weighed myself in before you came, and I was down to 182lbs. So that’s a good, lucky 13 pounds gain, at least.”
And 3 inches of waist ?...”
What do you know, Jim,” Sean laughed heartily, rubbing his rounding stomach. “You’ve been fattening me up all this time!”

  Jim was a bit puzzled by Sean’s reaction again. It didn’t make any sense: Sean was the one fattening up Jim, not the other way around. Then he was allowed to step on the scale too, and get measured by Sean one more time. It was only Wednesday before noon, but Sean was okay with Jim knowing that he had gained at least more than his cook. Jim was being shy about his growing belly, and a lot less positive than Sean about his gain. Of course, Sean was there to make him feel better.

“There you go, boy: 198lbs! You’re heavier than me.”
But... I’m not being weighed in on an empty stomach...”
So what ? I wasn’t either, and you have meals waiting for you, for the bigger part of the day. Look at this: your waist is up to 39”... and your belly is already stretching about 42”. You’re getting nice and plump, boy! Granted, you’ve had a filling breakfast, today... but there’s room for more!”
All right... I gotta eat. Now.”

  Sean was more than eager to provide and feed him the most fattening meals he could. The large kitchen was looking more like a factory or an industrial bakery, now. All three ovens were on twenty hours a day, cooking large lasagna pans and pizzas, chicken, beef, ham and other meats, all kinds of cakes, muffins and cookies... Sean was baking a lot, of course, and there were trays always waiting on the table next to the ovens. It was truly hard work for Sean, but he didn’t complain.

  He liked to change his boy’s menu, try some new recipes to make him hungry and always feed him a little bit more. He was slowly “improving” his old recipes, too – putting more butter, oil, lard, eggs, flour, sugar and syrup than before. Then Sean would also eat – a lasagna piece here, a cookie there, a doughnut or some fried bacon, just for a taste test... And that was enough to explain his recent weight gain.

  Jim had recently developed a taste in corn. Sean fed him whole punch bowls of it – in a fresh salad with hard-boiled eggs, sliced ham, green peas, cold macaroni and soy beans, all drowning in mayonnaise dressing – or popped, covered in a rich gravy, with deep-fat fried chicken breasts, onion rings and fries, dipped in Texan sauces. As Jim was constantly stuffed, he would lie down for his afternoon feeding session, almost crushed under his own weight and the massive amounts of food he was being fed. Sean usually grabbed a bite once in a while, to let his boy breathe – and so he was eating quite well, himself.

“Why are you eating, Sean ?”
Because I’m hungry.”
You shouldn’t eat that...”
Why not ? It tasty.”
It’s fattening. You’ve already put on more than 10 pounds...”

  Sean looked at Jim. He fought against the urge to laugh at this: It was hilarious to step back from this a little, and watch this overfed, former male model turned into a grown pig of a boy give weight watchers advice to the guy who was fattening him up.

  It was also funny for Sean to fully understand how naive Jim could be. For a total weight gain of 12 to 13 pounds, there were 6 pounds of solid muscle at least, and maybe 7 pounds of belly fat. Jim had only stopped working out for the last two weeks, but it was like he had completely forgotten about it. And he was beginning to look like a boy who had never seen the inside a gym. But even his thoughts were all fat-oriented, now: fat food, fat sleep, fat weight gain – and a fat boy to be soon...

  Sean didn’t laugh. This was better than it sounded at first: He had raised his boy well. So he smiled – a gentle, not a wicked smile – and decided to play along. Pushing his little gut forward and rubbing it slowly, Sean began to really tease Jim.

“Yes, I’ve put on 10 pounds... So what ? I may end up gaining 5 more, chunky ones.”
I’m supposed to put on 30lbs and you would put on 15lbs on the side ? Come on...”
I said ‘why not ?’ I may not gain any more...”
But you never know. You should watch what you eat.”
I’m too busy watching what you eat, Jim. And watching you eat it. Is that wrong ?”
Oh... No! No, no... I’m not complaining at all. Your cooking always tastes so great I’m always impatient for what will come next, even when I’m full from the previous meal... And... you’re doing a great job with... Uuuuuuuuuuurp!”
Come again, Jim ?”
...with my belly,” Jim blushed, caressing his round, large expanse of gut. He was getting really soft there too. “You’re fattening me up right on money, Sean. I’m full!...”
My pleasure, Jim. Looks like you appreciate this combination of buttery corn, macaroni and cheese with a good beer – and your body does, too.”

  Sean put his hand on Jim’s belly, caressing it too, making the flab shake a little, holding his stuffed stomach and teasing him to fill it some more. Jim was moaning and breathing heavily. But he was pretty sure he had reached his limit.

“Please, Sean... Please stop. I can’t eat another bite.”
What if I feed you by force, again... push it right into your mouth ?”
No... Don’t. I feel like I’m going to burst already...”

  Then Sean stopped caressing Jim’s gut, all of a sudden. He sat up straight by the couch, grabbed a forkful of macaroni and cheese, complete with corn and glistening with butter. After holding it in front of Jim, he ate it in one bite – then started to dig in for some more.
“What are you doing, Sean ?!”
If you’re not going to eat it, then I will.”
...What ?”
Hmmm, I love this too. You have the best tastes in food, Jim.”
But... I just said you shouldn’t eat that. Even if you don’t want it to go to waste, it’s not good for you. I mean... Like I said... It’s very fattening!”
Oh, I should know!” Sean laid a hand on his stomach. “It doesn’t make me love it any less. You know what ? From now on, I will eat all your leftovers.”
Why would you do that ?”
Then if you don’t get fat, at least one of us will.”

  Sean laughed. Jim was not cheered up at all by this.

“Did you even listen to me ? Why would you want to get fat ?!”
I don’t. I just don’t care if I do. But... do you mind ?”
Do I mind what ?”
That I eat and put on weight... It seems to bother you.”
No, it’s... It’s just that... I should be the one gaining those 12 pounds...”
Oh... Okay. Sorry, Jim... I won’t eat your food again. You’re right: All this should be yours. This food, the bread, the beer – and my belly fat too!”
Don’t be ridiculous. I was just saying... You shouldn’t start to grow a belly, just because you are feeding me too much for my own capacities.”
So... you feel guilty about this ?”
I don’t know... I feel responsible for it. Now if you don’t mind, I should be okay with it. But I’m not, to be honest. I’m a little worried about this. I’m only getting used to the idea that I have to overeat on purpose and get fat. Now, I’m not sure I can make it, if you’re gaining too.”
Too much to handle, right ?”
I’m sorry, I’m thinking too much...”
That’s okay... but you’re not eating enough. Open up...”

  Sean approached the big bowl and fork to Jim’s mouth again.

“Oh God! Have mercy... I’m way full, and I have to take in what you’ve already stuffed me. It’s not easy for me, Sean: I know my metabolism is reluctant to grow this fat... My stomach can’t hold so much food, yet. And I’ve never shown a big appetite, before. I’m not like you...”
I guess you’re right. You’re a man, you have your limitations. It would be unfair to ask you to run like a puma, not matter how fast you can run.”
Or in my case – eat like a pig when I’m just a guy.”
I hope I’m not treating you like a pig – but I’m sure I can make you eat your way up to become a real fat boy.”
This must be disappointing for you...”
Not at all. You have made some real efforts here, Jim.”
Still... I feel bloated so soon that I’m always resting or sleeping, and half the day goes like a big, boring waste of time.”
It’s not. You need a lot of sleep to grow... You can only start with what you have, Jim. And I think you’re eating better and more than you used to...”
Hmmmm... Nine more pounds to go!”

  Jim pondered the question. He was tempted more than ever, but part of him was still opposed to the idea of becoming a large, overfed pig. This was not lost on Sean.

“I guess you would like to turn me into a really fat boy...”
I would. And I’m pretty sure you would enjoy it, too. I know you like my cooking. I love feeding you and watching you eat too much – as long as you don’t mind getting larger, round and soft, then...”
Yes... You don’t seem to mind, yourself.”
Mind what ?”
That you’re gaining too. I can’t help but remember how trim you were, just two weeks ago... Don’t you miss your abs, for instance ?”
I really don’t care.”
You’re kidding!”
If I was, would I be eating your food ? I’m serious, Jim.”
Sorry... I had no idea.”
See how easy you can gain when you stop thinking about it constantly ?”
Then I’m a lost cause, Sean... I can’t help but think about it.”
Okay, how about not being obsessed with it, then ? You’re still only thinking you have to put on thirty pounds – because you have signed a contract. Because you have to...”
But it’s true: I have to...”
I know, but wouldn’t you feel better if you were thinking about it some other way ? Doesn’t it strike you, how great it can be for you to overeat like this and get fat ? how this may be a great opportunity for you ?”
Opportunity for what ? I would feel rather weird if I was thinking so...”

  Sean paused, but he didn’t leave the game. Somehow, he knew Jim’s old values and habits were shaking. And he wasn’t so easily turned down. He rubbed his boy’s belly very lightly, slowly, showing more interest than usual in Jim’s growing bulge and love handles. He talked about food again, describing his menus at length and watching Jim’s reactions – the mere mention of food made him horny, now, and his mouth was watering in anticipation. Only his round gut was stuffed too much to let himself completely go for it. These last signs of inner struggle and resistance had to be crushed!

“...Do the large quantities of food ruin its taste for you, Jim ?”
No, it makes me craving for more, really! You’re such a talented cook, Sean.”
Thanks... Then, you won’t mind eating a lot more of it, right ?”
Just... not right now. But you’re right: when it comes down to eating, I’m never tired of it. It’s like... I can’t get enough. I’m sure you’ve noticed that already... After all, we’re both living proofs that your cooking would be up to a great chef’s reputation.”
Nice touch, Jim. And you don’t care if it’s fattening when you eat it ?”
Actually, I do. But I know it’s supposed to help me gain.”
It is – and there’s nothing wrong with that, right ?”
Huh... No, not at all. I...”

  Jim was blushing. Sean was turning him on again, caressing the sides of his belly and hips. It was a very hot day, but getting hotter by the second...

I don’t mind that... As a matter of fact, I feel like I can’t wait for my stomach to feel empty again so you can feed me some more.”
Hmmm... Very good. Just tell me when you’re ready.”
Okay, I will...”

  Sean was standing up again, leaving Jim to rest – but leaving him frustrated from his tender touch and closeness!

“...God! I’m afraid I was right, before: You have given me such bad eating habits. I’m not sure I can ever go back to the meals, foods and portions I was used to... I’m still wondering about this.”
You’re tall and well-built. You will work out like before and beef up nicely. And you will make a killing as a model – big, plump and muscled.”
I’m afraid I’ll be asked to go for ‘fit’ or ‘trim’ again...”
And you don’t feel like it anymore, huh ? Very good!”
How’s that good ? A pound or an inch too much, and I could lose my job!”
You won’t. You will start out a new trend of hot, plump models.”

  They both laughed. Jim was starting to feel better. Sean was definitely teasing, at times, but he was nice to him too. And Jim actually liked his friend’s twisted, positive sense of humour.
“So... I should be asking for more just to ask for more ?”
That’s a lot better than worrying about not receiving enough, Jim. You’re getting it, now. But I already knew that you’re a quick learner. Open up and eat, Jim. Eat and enjoy...”
Please, Sean... I’m still so bloated with it, how can I eat more ?”
Eat it – or I will. I’m serious, Jim.”
You’re just being mean...”
So what ?” Sean lifted the fork of greasy macaroni and cheese up to his mouth. “You don’t feel like eating ? I feel like eating. Serves you right: I will finish your plate. Then I’m going to stuff myself with your next meal in your place. And I will keep on eating like that until you’re ready to be fed some more!”

  Jim got to know he wasn’t kidding, when he saw Sean cramming buttery pasta, corn, soy, cheese and oily bread into his mouth, and reach for the beer. There was a huge bowl still half-full of food. Jim instantly pictured Sean going on like that, and his gut swelling in front of him to the size of a fleshy beach ball…

“Oh, drop it, Sean! Just... Stop it!”
Will you eat, then ?”
I will. Stop playing with me, okay ? Just... feed me.”
“Atta boy, Jim.”

  It was torture for Jim to get force fed like that, having his stomach stuffed again with so much rich food, to the point of giving... But after the first four or five mouthfuls, he was back into the game and chowing down almost as fast as Sean was filling his mouth. Sean was also very careful and nice to him, now that he let himself be fed...

  This pattern went on and on. It was time for Jim to eat pies, then cheesecakes, before Sean treated him with a never-ending flow of whole milk, hot apple pop tarts and his thick, home-made chocolate mousse... He wanted his boy to put on sweet fat too – and when Jim was sleeping, he always left a cookie jar next to him, with large cups of liquorice and toffees, candies and milk. Jim would munch on them absent-mindedly, as he didn’t really want to sleep so much as he needed to lie down and rest.

  It was late into the night before Sean agreed that his boy was stuffed to the gills and couldn’t have eaten any better. Jim’s torso was nicely curved like a huge barrel of beer, his chest lifted up by his stomach and guts way too full. He couldn’t get up or walk without Sean’s help. This was eye candy for him! He was almost drooling over Jim’s rock hard belly – his plump, widening butt – his softening pecs and meaty thighs...

  Sean had been eating quite a lot himself, by the way – just to threaten and trick Jim into eating some more... This was a success for him. He gave a gentle, satisfied pat to his rounding gut, then rubbed Jim’s massive, growing belly – slowly, carefully – not letting Jim notice how hard he was. He was getting too hot for him, now. Sean treated Jim with a few kind words, but he couldn’t wait much longer...

“You’re still thinking about food as an enemy of yours, Jim. And you want to eliminate it. Like you’re only eating so you won’t have to see it anymore... You should consider food is a good friend for you. A hot friend you want to invite in, then ask him to stay forever... in your belly.”
You’re funny, Sean.”
I’m serious. This is part of enjoying yourself, too.”
I would have thought it was about enjoying good food. But hosting a permanent food and beer party in my gut ?... Sounds interesting.”
...And that’s how you will feel better about it. If food was a bad thing you only need to live on, take it in and process it, you could have the digestive system of a bug just as well. Now, this grown man’s belly wants more food for a reason. If you want to welcome more friends and have them stay over, you have to make room for it... Make your body comfortable, soft and warm...”
Sounds good...”

  Jim was whispering and moaning, eating bedtime butter toffees with more milk. Sean was also whispering to his ear, staying very close to him on purpose.

“We should make you the size of a Frat House, Jim.”
You have such strange ideas...”
But you’re smiling. You’re even laughing, at times. And you’re eating more. Now, isn’t that better ?... Aren’t you enjoying yourself a little more ?”
You’re right. I have been enjoying the food. It’s too good not to be enjoyed, anyway. But I wasn’t enjoying myself. I guess that’s not a simple lesson in life... So, I guess I’m beginning to see your point, Sean.”
You’ve been pretty keen on it too, no matter what you say. It takes time to find out what makes you happy, get over the old moral or social pressure, and go for it. Some people, I’m afraid they never really get it. Even if you get good results, like your weight gain – you sounded so disappointed at your 10 new pounds on the scale, if was the same as if you had lost weight...”
Did I really sound like that ? It’s weird... but you’re saying I’m doing good here ?”
You’re doing great. And that’s a big step you’ve made today.”
Good, then. I have you to thank you for it. I’m not being easy with you...”
Never mind... Do you think I’ve been doing good myself ?”
You mean, in terms of weight gain ?”
Yuh huh.”
Well... I don’t know. You... you weren’t supposed to put on weight, so...”
Don’t step back, now, Jim. You know that’s not the point.”
I mean... Personally, I have a goal to achieve. I know what I should aim for... So, out of the blue, I would say you’ve been eating well. Very well, in fact... And a 12 or 13 pounds gain should be considered a lot for just two weeks, especially since you’re feeding another guy. And... Okay, I admit it looks good on you.”
Thanks, Jim. You really think so ?”
I do. Your body’s so thick with muscles, anyway. I was even thinking that you looked a little menacing, at first. You had that ‘cut’ look, you know ? 12 pounds make a difference, I guess... because I don’t think so anymore... In fact, you look cuddly to me.”
So it’s not unattractive to you ?”
It’s different. And it’s more like you, maybe... So, yes. I find it pretty hot.”
Very good answer, Jim.”

  Jim couldn't help blushing, stuffing his mouth with cookies like crazy, so he managed to avoid looking at Sean straight in the eyes. Only he couldn’t think of anything else but Sean – Sean kissing him – Sean patting his full gut, and rubbing his whole body... Obviously, his hunk of a cook had something else cooking for him... Sean patted his own little bulge of a gut and asked Jim, looking at him intently:

“Is this turning you on ?”
Huh... I... Yes.” Jim looked down. “Yes, you’re turning me on.”
Then, don’t you want me to gain more ?”
Wh... what ?”
I said, would you like to see me gain some more ?”
“Well, I don’t... I don’t know. It’s up to you, really... Do you want to gain more weight ?”
“Good call, Jim. It’s up to me. And it’s up to you, too. Do you want to gain more ?”
...I do. I know I want it, now.”
And if I was to fatten you up more than the thirty pounds you signed for ?”
Oh... I don’t think I would mind. We’ll see if I get better results by the end of the week. Just feed me always a little bit more, and I’ll do my best to turn it all into flab, all right ?”
You’re the best, Jim. I’m really happy with you... There, eat. Eat some more!”

  Sean shoved a few handfuls of chocolate chips cookies into Jim’s mouth. Then he made him drink again from his pitcher of whole milk.

“Do you... – Uuuuuuuuuuuurp! – Sorry... Do you want me to gain that much ?”
I do, Jim... I really do. You’ve been honest with me before, so I should treat you the same. I’m sure all the guys have already told you how hot you are, but you look a whole lot better to me now than when you first came in... And I can’t wait to see you put on more weight, get fatter and grow a real, manly belly!”
That much ? Wow! Sean, I... – UUUUUUUUUUUUUURP! – God, this milk stuff is great! I mean... I didn’t know you had such interest in me...”
Now you’re not telling me the truth. You knew I love watching you get fat and pudgy.”
I thought you had other reasons for it, not because it was attractive to you... How could I know anything of it ?”
Because you’ve made me notice my beginning belly.”
Okay, so... what’s the point ?”
You want to know the reason why I’ve been putting on more weight than I ever did, and also faster than ever ?... It’s you. You’ve made me want to gain those 12 pounds.”
...I did ?”
Yes. And you’re the reason why I want to put on some more weight... because you look so hot, growing your belly pound after pound of flab, expanding its soft flesh inch by inch after each new day of feeding... It made me wish I was gaining too. You’re not a model for nothing, Jim.”
I’m not a role model...”
I’m telling you, when you go back for your second photo session, every guy in the room will want to be like you – and if half of them have the balls they claim for, you will see them cut off any kind of workout and diet they had, and start stuffing their guts at the agency cafeteria... for starters...”

  Sean’s words, heavy with flirting subtext, made Jim feel beyond happy and sad. He didn’t get it, really: if Sean was talking to him that way, telling him he loved how he was growing and getting soft, why weren’t they having sex together already ? After he had done so many efforts, and with all the extra weight he had put on, Jim felt like he should get something back.

  Sean was still being so nice and enticing to him – but he was too nice! Was he like all talk ? After Jim was too stuffed and heavy to get up, that night, Sean had helped him go to his bedroom and put him in bed... and that was it! Jim had spent the rest of the night itching with frustration and pestering about him.

  Now, Sean’s early morning compliments made him crazy. He couldn’t stand it any longer, and told him bluntly.

“Will you cut the crap, Sean ?! Stop being such a hypocrite!”
...I’m being a hypocrite ?”
You keep telling me I look hot and all, and I have a nice body – you don’t mean it, so stop pretending.”
I do mean it. I thought I had made it clear that you look much better now...”
Then why do you always act like I’m repelling you ? Am I not good enough for you ?!”
...Beg your pardon ?”

  This had gone too far. Jim couldn’t let it slip – and he didn’t want to. He was now blushing with anger, huffing and puffing, his heart racing under the lard of his man tits. He had to get it off his chest. Or rather, off his gut...

“If you think I’m attractive enough that you want to get fatter yourself, then why don’t you make the moves ? I should be turning you on, if your compliments were sincere. Why am I not turning you on ?”
But... You are, Jim... You look really hot to me. And you can be also charming, when you want to. It’s true, I have feelings for you. But that was not a reason for me to make a pass at you, last night.”
Why’s that ?”
Well... Okay – how about you, Jim ? Do you like me ?”
Of course I do.”
Are you attracted to me ?”
Of course I am.”
You’re young and horny – I get that. But are you attracted to me because you have feelings for me, or is it because I’m the only guy around you ?”
What if it was ? All I know is, I want you and if you say you want me too... Let’s do it! I’ve never questioned it, really.”

  Sean sighed, and sat next to Jim.

“Boy, boy, boy... You’re only 5 years younger than me, but you’re such a child... When you have experienced a few more partners, you will learn that “just sex” is the closest thing to nothing.”
But... it’s already something, right ?”
Love is everything, Jim. What doesn’t depend on it is just dead... Or are you saying you can love me ?”
I think... Wow, why do you always have to take it on dangerous grounds ?...”
No stepping back, now. Just tell me.”
I think... Yes, I have feelings for you, and... if I could know you better, they would grow eventually. And so, you could say I’m falling in love with you... Why does sex has to be at the end of your list ?”
It’s not. But you’re right when you say you don’t know me enough.”
Then tell me, Sean... I want to know more about you.”
You only have to ask.”
Okay... Then... How can I make myself attractive to you ?”
In other words, you want to know what’s my taste in boys. All right, I’ll tell you. I like a guy who can be honest with me as he is to himself. I like open-minded guys, and guys intelligent enough to listen to their heart instead of their head all the time. I am attracted to younger guys, who are confident in me – even dependant on me. I love taking care of them in every possible way. I have a tendency to make my boyfriends put on weight, because I am turned on by chubby guys, or rather guys getting plump and chubby...”
So... it could totally be me!”
It could... but it could still be pointless. I would still have to be the guy you truly want to be with. And the real question is: Are you already like the guys I described ?”
I don’t know... Why would it be pointless ?”
When you sacrifice yourself, even part of yourself, for another guy’s love... Okay, it can last a few months, even a year or two if you’re really patient and selfless – but you will have to break up, eventually. You can’t possibly feel good if you’re so concentrated on making your partner happy and he doesn’t give you anything back but sex. You’ll start hating yourself for being so cheap. And more than anything, that’s just not fair... Jim ?”

  Sean’s last words had gone deep into Jim’s mind. He was thinking about Dean, and how things had gone from great to strenuous, then worse and worse as his boyfriend was feeling dissatisfied and left out. Jim remembered now, and he had an explanation for it. He told Sean about this. It was good to share this with such an understanding guy. As he was bound to make long speeches when he felt like there was something interesting to be explored, Sean was a good listener as well.

“Sounds like this boy has let you feast on him all the time, and you just let him starve...”
Am I... Am I letting you starve too, Sean ?...”
I was going for a metaphor, there.”

  Sean laughed and gave his belly a gentle slap. He had been eating more and more openly now that he had confessed to Jim that it was turning him on. And it showed – the elastic waistband of his boxer shorts was stretched wider out than it was a week ago, and there were love handles forming. But his pecs, arms and legs were still so hard as they were. Sean stopped laughing. Jim was serious, for once.

“I mean... Who am I kidding ?” Jim was brooding, “I’m getting fat, and I pretend I don’t like it. You keep telling me I’m more attractive as I get fatter, and that I should forget about my old limits and standards. But you stick by your own set of fucking values, yourself! That’s not fair. I wish I was good enough to make you lose it, too. I wish I was irresistible to you. So... what’s the big deal ? Am I not fat enough for you ? Am I not being... honest with you ?”

  This was the first time Jim talked to him like that – then, it was probably the first time Jim had opened his heart to someone else, ever – Sean was deeply moved by Jim’s last words. He hugged him and calmed him down, then answered his questions.

“Two good reasons, Jim. You’ve put on 20lbs in the last two weeks. If you ask me, I would say they look so good and sexy on you. But I guess you don’t feel that way – and you’ve never really asked me, either: I was always encouraging or pushing you for it. In spite of everything I told you, you’re still gaining because you have to, because your contract says so... and because I keep you well-fed and comfortable, obviously. It’s not like you had a choice in it, right ?”
I feel a lot better, thanks to you... But I have needs that food can’t fulfil, honestly. If you’re turned on by my body, then let’s do it! You have been really good to me, so I shouldn’t make you feel bad about this... Does it matter so much to you ?”
It doesn’t bother me so much. But then again, should we have sex because we feel strongly about it and we are deeply connected to each other, or only because there’s no one else available ? And are you getting plump because you have to, or because you want to ?... That’s a big difference, Jim. Like... Should I ask you to get fatter for my own entertainment, or for our common pleasure ?”
You’re so complicated, Sean. I’m touched that you care so much about how I feel but...”
Maybe that’s where your current problems lie, Jim. The way I see it, you’ve never given much, if anything, back to your ex-boyfriend. You’ve taken whatever he was giving to you, then you took it for granted. If that’s so, I can say you’ve never been in love.”
You mean my feelings were fake, too ?...”
They were only glimpses of what true love feels like. And you considered yourself happy with very little, really. I know it’s not logical, but if you wanted to enjoy what Dean was offering to you, you had to give it back – and more.”
Give it back, and more ? Where did you get that ?”
It’s in Shakespeare, silly. Romeo & Juliet.

                  My bounty is as boundless as the sea
                  My love as deep – the more I give to thee,
                  The more I have, for both are infinite.

Now, if those two weren’t in love with each other, who was ?...”

  Jim didn’t answer. He had to take it all in, and think.

“Then I know what to do. You like guys to be true to their words, right ? I will expect no less from you. You like to fatten up guys and turn them into lazy chubs ? Now, I have it in me, and I will give it to you.”

  He leaned closer to Sean, and whispered to him, cheek to cheek.

“Feed me, Sean! I want to get fat – for you...”

  Days were going faster and faster for Sean and Jim. It was their first week together as lovers, but their last week too, as Jim had to go back to work.

  Sean was being just so good to Jim as a boyfriend as he was cooking for him. The feeding sessions were laced with all kinds of foreplay and sex – Jim’s nights were just so packed now as daytime, since Sean always combined sex with more food play and made night and day feel like an uninterrupted feeding session. He was always on top of Jim, which made it easier to stuff the boy’s face with ice cream, white cheese, whipped cream and jam, chocolate mousse or peanut butter, with a constant flow of whole milk or beer. Jim would get up for his morning weigh-ins and measurements almost as full as he was when Sean had put him to bed...

  This late change in his diet plan showed little on his third week check-up, but they didn’t look at the results as they did before. Jim’s weight and stats were still good – even impressive for such a short period of time:

Body Fat
29 %
  Sean was also weighed in at 202lbs, with a 36” waist and 17% bodyfat. It wasn’t much compared to Jim’s gain, but deep down it was a sign of success for Sean, because it meant he was feeding his boy better now – and probably better than he had fattened up any of his previous guys...

  This was due to Jim’s versatile attitude toward gaining. When he was in a good mood, Jim usually let Sean eat along to encourage him. They would make different kinds of deals or challenges – when Jim had gone through six apple pies, Sean would have eaten a whole pie too, for instance – or when Sean was feeding Jim a pan of lasagna, there was a smaller pan next to them, just for him and where he would dig in after he had forced Jim to take in four or five large mouthfuls... Basically, Sean would eat about five times slower than Jim, then.

  But when Jim didn’t feel like that – and he could change his mind quite suddenly – Sean had to talk him back into eating. These were really challenging moments for him. If Jim was only pouting for some reason, a few gentle words and expert belly rubs would be enough, and Jim opened his mouth for more. It was more serious than this, most of the time. Then, Sean tried to take advantage of the boy’s impatience. His best shot was to go all out and threaten Jim by eating in his place – from the first day he had made Jim obey, using that method, Sean knew it would become his ultimate weapon. He only used it in case of emergency – at least twice a day. Jim couldn’t take how gross it was to see this bellied muscle boy stuff himself so much and so fast. Sean wasn’t afraid to eat loud, chug on beer and belch even louder. Jim begged Sean to stop and feed him what he was eating. No matter what, Jim always surrendered to Sean...

  On the whole, Sean ate less than a third of what he fed Jim – but the same fattening food. As this would have been enough calories to sustain a bodybuilder the size of Sean during his ‘bulking up’ phase, it was no surprise that Jim’s earnest cook would put on some sympathy weight – and that the extra pounds were mostly fat...

  Sean had to stay in command, so he didn’t drink beer so much – while Jim’s daily beer bongs were looking more like a dam had broken and the falls were flowing right down his throat. Sean also “charged” his Guinness stout with some other ingredients, like banana cream, orange syrup or sweet apple juice – which were going straight to Jim’s belly bulge and love handles, packing it on over his widening rear and hips...

  The only other big difference between them was how lazy Jim had become. After a good, filling meal and a few (dozen) drinks, he would slowly waddle and go for a nap, or rest by the pool to improve his magnificent tan. Sean was swimming for two hours every day, as Jim slept and the ovens were hot. He worked out every two days during Jim’s afternoon resting hours, where the boy would watch DVDs, let the pressure go down in his overfed belly, let himself go and drink a few soft drinks, along with some of Sean’s candies or cookies that were always around him for a reason. They shared some more intimate moments, too, where Sean made Jim get more comfortable with his softening, large gut – feeding him chocolate candies, fudge and ice cream, licking his body when he dropped some, fondling and caressing his growing rolls and love handles.

  Sean was more patient than Jim, when it came to foreplay. He took his time to rub his big boy’s belly and ass, slowly, going further and further down, with increasing strength and intensity, making Jim ready for some later, harder strokes... Sean was also more into cuddling after they had both hit their climaxes, and he had soon converted Jim to it. Not that he was shy, but as he had grown so fleshy and plump, Jim found himself pretty uncertain in bed for anything that wasn’t strictly related to sex. It was only there for a few times. Now, he would smile in his sleep when Sean held him in his big arms. This whole experience was definitely making Jim feel better about himself.

  He was not just mellow any more. He was more positive – even enthusiastic, at times. Of course, having all his needs satisfied and sharing this with a hot guy like Sean had totally changed him. Jim complied to Sean’s requests too – he didn’t hesitate to eat more like a pig, chug down, gulp down and belch so loudly as he could. Sean was always grateful and showed it to Jim with more than just compliments. That was the life for him! After another very productive, greedy day, Jim was caressing his vastly enlarged gut in satisfaction. He was proud of his growth.

“Boy, I’m getting so fat...”
We’re both getting fatter, Jim.”
It doesn’t really compare, really.” Jim laughed. “When our friends see us back in town, they will say to you ‘Wow... You’ve been working out ?’ – then they will take one look at me and say ‘Wow! You’ve been porking out!”

Have you read your contract lately, Jim ?”
“I didn’t even read it in the first place. Why should I bother reading it now ?”
“There might be something interesting for you...”

  It was about 3PM – Jim was stuffed and still had the taste of his last apple pies in his mouth, no matter how much milk he was drinking or butter toffees he was munching on. It was a really hot day, too. Sean was rubbing his plump boy’s body with solar oils, and whispering to him. This was not the best topic, however. Jim didn’t want to think about his contract. Not because it was the initial reason for him to put on weight – but it reminded him this was his last week with Sean, now... He would have to go back to his old life... all the fucking idiots he had to work with... Jim wished the company had left him some more time to gain, or that they had requested him to put on 50lbs instead of a meager 30...

“What could be less interesting than these three pages of fax ?”
There is a special clause in the fine prints. It’s one related to the main article which says you have to put on no less than 30lbs over the above mentioned period of time... yadda yadda yadda... and this addendum covers the extra weight you could end up gaining – for each pound gained over the first, mandatory 30lbs, you will be paid 500 $.”
Five hundred... what ?!!!”
You’re going to be rich, Jim. At 210lbs, you’ve already made three thousand bucks!”
Where does it say so ?...”
Here, Jim. See ?”

  Technicalities meant nothing to Jim, but Sean’s approach was worth reading them again, and listening to his cook. Five hundred dollars for each pound, from now on. How could he say no ? On top of everything, that would really screw those corporeal fuckers!...

“Tell you what, Sean... I’m HUNGRY!”
There you go, Jim!”

  Sean cooked and cooked for his boy – from his scrambled eggs, macaroni and cheese, greasy sausages and bacon, pancakes, puddings, white cheese, whipped cream and thick yoghurts, cheesecakes, chocolate or blueberry muffins and apple pie after apple pie with ice cream in the morning, to tender beef steaks and T-bones, ham and pork ribs, chicken deep fried in pig's lard, turkey served with the finest stuffing, onions rings and large fries drowning in ketchup and creamy sauces, baked potatoes with gravy and butter, rich home-made lasagnas, pizzas, fettucine and cannelloni, chocolate fudge cakes and countless other sweets... Sean found ways to put more butter, more sugar and more cream into each new dish, packing more and more calories into the same large servings.

  Jim wasn’t into counting calories, anyway. Every day, his body swelled more and more as he ate, growing rolls upon rolls of soft new flesh, love handles spilling out of his straining briefs. Sean had worked on a special sex swing and improved it so it was now hanging out from the kitchen’s ceiling, and strong enough for Jim to sit and stay there: His legs were spread out a little to make room for his plump rear, and so the underside of his belly was contained with strapped-on leather bands, like Jell-O in a bowl. There were more leather pieces to hold Jim’s back and help him stand straight. Sean made sure he didn’t move anyway, as he would also strap Jim’s wrists to the chains of the swing.

  Every morning, Jim had Sean help him sit in that swing after his daily weigh-in, measurements and pics. He would spend the whole day in there, with his mouth opened and fattening food being constantly stuffed in, willingly. He didn’t even get out of it when he needed to sleep. He only rested there, and Sean took some private pics of his fat boy in his cage, watching his overhanging belly get softer, spilling on the front of Jim’s swing and expanding more and more – like his ass, straining the leather seat as it was growing wider and wider...

  At night, Jim could barely get up without Sean pulling under his thick and softening arms from the leather swing and outfit. Then they would slowly waddle him out of the kitchen and take him to his bedroom, where Sean massaged his sore, overstuffed gut and slowly made Jim aroused and awake for hours of sex. Jim was only complaining about this short walk from the swing to his bed – it was all he did during the day other than eat, but it seemed longer and longer to him, as he got fatter and fatter.

  Sean was showing no mercy to his food slave, of course. His underlying dominant ways had grown on Jim too, and food was more appealing when Sean forced it in him and ordered him to


  Jim wasn’t exactly a victim, either. He was so impatient as ever, and when it was taking too long for Sean to cook or bake his next meal, he would treat his cook like some other kind of slave:

Feed me, damn it! I’m not getting any fatter, here...”

  They had every reason to be happy with each other. Sean’s initial diet objectives were blown out – for both his boy and himself. And after four weeks at such a rate, Jim’s practice around food and his largely increased capacities would make him the center of attention in any pie-eating contest!

  It was the end of their four weeks together, however. Their end results were both impressive and disappointing – sad as they were sad that their gaining game had come to its natural conclusion, they felt it was too soon. Jim’s measurements and progress were still the best so far:

Body Fat
33.5 %

60lbs of yummy butter fat, Jim!” 
Yup – packed into 16 more inches of waist...”
Actually, your belly is up to 48”. And it was non-existent to start with, over your tiny 31” waist... Congratulations, tubby!”

  Sean hugged him, getting hard as he was patting and pressing Jim’s generous love handles.

“You’re so soft, Jim...”
How’ve you been doing yourself, you big bear ?”

  Sean stepped on the scale, weighing a good 210lbs, with a 37” waist and 18% body fat. Once again, he had gained 4 pounds of muscle, mostly upper body – arms, shoulders and pecs – and 4 pounds of belly.

“Are you going to keep it ?”
Maybe, maybe not... I usually bulk up like that when I’m alone over here, but never that much. I have to thank you for that!... How about you ?”
Me ? Huh... You know I will have to lose it all... I guess...”
How bad are you going to miss weighing over 230lbs ?”
About half as bad as I’m going to miss you...”
Nice, Jim. Here, I’ve got these for you...”

  Sean had bought him some new clothes, and they fit, but Jim had forgotten how uncomfortable it was not to be naked around the house. He already had difficulties to walk for too long a distance... This was almost physically impossible!

“Do you like them ?”
I hate them.”
Then I’ll tear them out for you. Come...”

  Jim had to leave. They couldn’t decide if their last moments together would be about food or sex – in the end, Sean fucked Jim all morning in his bedroom, feeding the plump boy his big breakfast at the same time... No beer, just milk. It was too much, on both accounts, however, and Jim came with a long belch that was like a roar...

  In the airport, he promised he would call Sean as soon as he was landing.

  And for the first time in his life, Jim would hold a promise.

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