Monday, September 2, 2024

"Around the Pleasure Dome" [pilot episode]

Around the Pleasure Dome       

Monday evening  June 19th, 2000

  Ryan was cooking dinner. There were four large frying pans in front of him, full of chicken breasts, ground beef and spicy sauce, rice, red beans and vegetables... The oven was still on, as he put fresh fruits into the blender to make smoothies, and the kitchen was filled with intoxicatingly appetizing smells. The broad-shouldered, beefy cook wiped his forehead, took off his hair net for a moment and ran his fingers through his long, unruly blonde hair he never used a comb. 
  He was looking forward to his early evening cold shower, before dinner. Ryan had been working in the kitchen all afternoon. He was naked under his apron, although he walked in big fluffy slippers that were designed to look like bear paws. He had spent most of the day in the garden again, trimming the hedges and pulling out the weeds.
  Austin was coming back from the hotel lobby, still wearing his tight, white receptionist's shirt — which he took off immediately... A young, level-headed black man like him could stand the heat but it had become a habit for the last three months, working with Ryan. In the presence of customers, no matter how hot it was outside, they both put on their best behavior and suited up... Ryan didn't enjoy wearing buttoned-up shirts. On a day off, he put on the first T-shirt that fell out of the closet, and he wandered around the hotel pool, gym and spa when all their guests were gone  topless by day, stark naked by night.
  As he had just been promoted manager of the Pleasance Dome hotel resort, Austin acted in a much more responsible manner. Still in his early twenties, he was well aware that this position had not been bestowed on him as a reward for his outstanding discipline or achievements, but as an opportunity and an offer he couldn't turn down... His old boss had left so suddenly. Many people had also left in such a short time. He must have received instructions to cut costs everywhere, and fire whoever didn't look busy when he went on his rounds of surprise inspections.
  As it was, there were only three members left from the original staff... Ryan never complained about anything but he was seriously overworked, day in day out — and Austin was beginning to feel down, worn out.
  Especially tonight.

– “Still cooking?”
– “Of course... And this is the real, tasty stuff.”
– “What's for dinner?”
– “You're in for a feast... Enchiladas rancheras, beef empanadas, chicken fajitaschili con carne, and chorizo tacos with guacamole as appetizers.”
– “Do you want my tastebuds to burst with flavor, or my stomach?”

  Ryan laid a hand on his friend's shoulder.

– “Are you telling me that this doesn't make you hungry?”
– “I don't know... Maybe you're right. Considering what's going on, you may add hot pepper to the sauce and burn this place to the ground.”
– “What's going on, exactly?”
– “Bryan handed me his resignation, this morning. He's gone.”
– “Oh... Okay, I understand.”

  The two shirtless men sat down.

– “So it's come to this. Only you and me now.”
– “Yeah...
– “Well, just between you and me, as it is, I won't miss him that much... We got along fine, but it was so fucked up, having a Bryan and a Ryan in the staff. I got confused too... I swear, I've found myself with a shaker in my hands, mixing cocktails for half an hour before I remembered that it wasn't in my job description.

  Austin smiled. Ryan was easily confused, but never in a bad mood.

– “We can flip a coin to decide who will tend to the pool, tomorrow...
– “Never mind, I'll do it. You have better things to do.
– “Like what?
– “Like Hawk, of course! He should be back tonight.
– “Oh, yeah... It's been two weeks.
– “And I thought you were counting the days...
– “I was. I just... I lost count.
– “Never mind. Tomorrow is a big day for you and your big guy.
– “Yeah...” Austin smiled. “It's been a while.
– “Six months. That's a pretty big deal.
– “What? No, Hawk has been on duty for twelve days at the lighthouse.

  Ryan served dinner, piling heaps of food on their plates.

– “Eat up, Austin... It will jog your memory as it teases your tongue. You and Hawk have been an item for almost six months.
– “Huh? Oh, wait... that's true. Did you write it down or something?
– “No need. It's in the calendar. Fine print, but still...
– “What the fuck are you talking about?

  Austin took the calendar off the wall  he could only read “Wednesday, June 21st. Summer solstice”. Then it dawned on him... The first night he had spent with Hawk, at his place, was on the winter solstice.
  His heart skipped a beat, and he took a good sideways look at Ryan. The blonde, athletic cook was shoveling food in his mouth like coal into the furnace of a steam train... He didn't look like a great thinker, as he guzzled his first beer of the evening, and he wasn't a great thinker, but his heart was in the right place — pure gold, bigger than Klondike.
  After a third plate of enchiladas, Austin could hardly eat another bite.

– “I'm stuffed! I shouldn't go to Hawk's place too bloated.
– “There's always room for desserts... Besides, we both know how Hawk wants to see you.
– “Yeah...” Austin let out a sigh. “He really wants me bad.
– “And he wants you really big... Ryan served him another generous helping of chili. “Lucky you! Don't miss such an opportunity to eat and enjoy yourself. I know I wouldn't.

  Austin followed his friend for a few more bites, but Ryan had to take his plate so there would be no leftovers... The tall blonde cook had devoured most of their meal, and he was about to take a magnificent chocolate fudge cake out of the oven.

– “It's almost 10PM. I should be going...
– “Okay... I'll keep this cake in the fridge for your breakfast. Your shirt is on the hanger, in the bathroom.
– “It is ? I didn't see it.
– “I only ironed it an hour ago.
– “My lucky shirt?
– “The one and only.

  Ryan was ready to wash the dishes, after he had cleaned the plates, while Austin took a quick shower. Looking at his reflection in the mirror, as he was putting on his favourite shirt for his date, he found it painfully tight around his frame  especially around his stomach... He could also hear his friend let out a contented burp, in the kitchen.
  Austin patted his tummy. This was the shirt he had chosen to make a good impression on his future boss. That was his first job interview, and he got hired at once. He was also wearing this shirt when he met Hawk, then on their first date, then on the first night they had sex  that was Austin's first time too. 

– “I'm ready... I guess. How do I look?
– “Peachy.
– “I don't know... This shirt feels really tight.
– “It's always been tight. Snuggly design and everything.
– “Of course, but I don't think I can pull it off anymore...

  Ryan smiled. He turned around and gave him a comforting hug.

– “It's not such a long walk to the lighthouse, is it?
– “About fifteen minutes.
– “How much longer do you think you'll have to wear this shirt... before you big bear of a boyfriend peals it off like a banana's skin?
– “Huh...

  Austin blushed. Ryan whispered into his ear, mischievously.

– “And that's what makes it lucky...

■ ■ ■

Tuesday morning — Hawk's place, by the lighthouse

  Hawk was truly some big bear of a man — Innu native American on his mother's side, easily 6'4" and certainly no less than 260lbs, burly with a thick, greying beard... He was everything Austin could possibly wish for Christmas, and the Pleasance Dome hotel staff had already asked him to play Santa for their children and younger residents. 
  There was no doubt that Austin had been a “very good boy”, up to that point. He didn't expect to be rewarded so handsomely... Even now, after six months of a not-so-secret relationship, he found himself head over heels in love  like growling puppy dog love — swooning, sweating and almost drooling when he got to spend the night with his boyfriend.
  The hotel resort where they worked was so close to the beach and the cliffs that they could see the lighthouse over the tallest trees. Hawk was a coast guard. He kept the station running as a lighkeeper and a relief keeper. He had to keep himself available to act at once, in case of an emergency. Radio communications with seafaring captains were enough to keep him busy all night...
  That was a strict and demanding job — Hawk was praised by everyone who worked around him for his dedication and fortitude. 
  Austin secretly admired him for it as well.
  On the other hand, when they could spend some time together, just the two of them, Hawk spoiled his young boyfriend and he insisted that he should behave like a “bad boy”.
  Even on their first date, Austin had a hunch that Hawk had a thing for a young man with a good appetite... Ryan was under the same impression. They had come up with a plan for Austin to seduce his handsome guard. Six months and about twenty-five pounds later, this “bad boy wondered about the consequences of his actions.
  It wasn't in Austin's nature to misbehave. His parents had raised him in such a way that he was bound to either come out of the closet with a bang or shoot himself in the head. Dating someone like Hawk helped him feel more confident. Being friends with Ryan made the real difference. If someone had to be a “bad influence” around Austin, it was that Southern dirty blonde cook, whose reputation wasn't quite so praiseworthy...
  Cooking was much more than Ryan's job description. The kitchen was his kingdom, his cathedral, his art workshop and his battlefield. He could be a prince, a priest, an artist or a general. Ryan cooked a stir fry dish like a great conductor leading an orchestra through a symphony. He was a magician with sweets and spices — and he was determined to feed his friend all the best meals and treats he could provide.
  On the side, Ryan was also remarkably talented with cocktails, energy drinks, aphrodisiacs and soft drugs.
  All in all, he was Austin's best friend. The kitchen was their “safe place” during the night, when everyone was asleep. There was home-made ice-cream, chocolate-chip cookies, cake and warm milk... They talked, they ate until they were stuffed and they shared pretty much everything.
  With Ryan's help and his good “bad advice, Austin had grown quite an appetite... On a good night, he could keep up with him, plate for plate — but he wasn't so tall or so athletic as his friend, and it was beginning to show. His smooth, black skin was stretched out around his midsection.
 Austin felt a large paw gently rubbing his tummy.

– “Good morning, big boy...
– “Good morning, Hawk.” Austin kissed his boyfriend's furry chest.
– “Are you okay?
– “How could I possibly not be okay?” 
– “You're not mad that I ripped your shirt...
– “Oh? God, no! It's amazing that you didn't tear it to shreds.
– “That was pretty tight... Don't read me wrong, I like it when you wear clothes that show how shapely you've grown.
– “You don't remember?
– “Remember what?
– “Six months ago, I was wearing it when you invited me to dinner.
– “Did you? Then it was about time that you burst out of it...

  Hawk leaned to the side to kiss him on the lips.

– “Is this how you wanted us to celebrate our six months anniversary?
– “I don't know, maybe... Yeah. That was great! You're great.
– “You have something else on your mind...

  Austin nestled himself against Hawk's chest.

– “The hotel is going to close down... In the last two weeks, most of the staff is gone. There's only two of us left.
– “Really? Who's still in there with you?
– “Ryan.
– “The cook? That dumb blonde guy from Georgia?
– “I'd say Virginia.
– “Whatever... With the “no dogs allowed” policy at your hotel, he's the closest thing you could get from a golden retriever.
– “Now, you know that's not true.
– “Leave it up to him, he'll turn this place into a nudist camp...
– “Come on, Ryan may not be the sharpest knive in the drawer, but if he didn't cook so well, I would be thinner now than when we first met.
– “How so?
– “We could both lose our jobs. I've been stressing over this for weeks.
– “And you're not a stress eater... I understand.
– “Do you want to join us over breakfast?
– “Sure.

  Hawk had to agree that the hotel resort looked downright gloomy, with all the windows closed, the empty parking lot, the sleepy garden, the silence in the buildings and the morning mist around the swimming pool.
  The only light in the building came from the kitchen.
  Ryan was done cooking breakfast. Austin could tell that something was wrong, no matter how cheerful his friend acted as he welcomed Hawk to sit down and have a good cup of joe.

– “Bad news?
– “More like... more news. Ernie just left.

  Ernest wasn't a member of the staff, but their local truck driver. Every month, he delivered all the food Ryan kept in the hotel's stores and cold rooms. They had an on-going, off-going relationship for some time.

– “You mean he left more food for you, or he left... you?
– “Both, I guess. When we were done with the supplies, he told me that he was going back to his parents' place in Winnipeg. I mean... He didn't let me talk him out of it. He's gone.

  Hawk and Austin exchanged a look. They couldn't picture Ryan arguing with his boyfriend to change his mind about anything — at least not with words... The blonde boy was sensitive enough to catch on and get back to them. He got up to make more pancakes for their special guest.

– “He probably wanted to keep it short and sweet, you know...
– “Yes, like... rip off the bandaid.” Hawk followed.
– “Maybe. Fresh new start and everything, for sure. But a hairy guy like me, if you ripped a bandaid off my chest, I'd scream bloody murder!

  The three men sat down and started eating. 

– “There's even more news... The mailman left these for you.
– “Oh... Bills, bills, bills.” Austin lost his patience. “I swear, the next bill we get should be at least Bill Murray! or Bill Pullman...
– “Right... You could pull it off.
– “And put it out.
– “Bills aren't everything.” Ryan added after a pause. “Someone tried to call you over the phone, but the communication was awful... I couldn't make heads or tails of it. Then there was another call from the bank.
– “I guess it was bound to happen. What did they say?
– “The guy who owned this place is dead. Or missing. That wasn't clear.
– “What does that mean?
– “I have no idea... Then I had no idea that this hotel belonged to some goon from the Russian mob. They told me about... what, an oily jerk?
– “Oligarch.” Hawk corrected.
– “Holy cow, for all I care...” Ryan shrugged. “Apparently, the guy was going on a vacation somewhere, and his plane exploded as it was about to leave the tarmac...
– “That's what happens in Russia when they turn the key in the ignition.

  Ryan raised his mug of chocolate milk and clinked it with Hawk's.

– “What then?
– “Someone will come and meet you in a few days. The bank asked that we keep all our books ready to be checked, and we'll know if some new company takes over or if we close down for good...

  There wasn't much hope for them in that decision.

– “I'm sorry for you, boys.” Hawk concluded.
– “Look at the bright side... We have like a few days off, enough food for the next four weeks and no one to take it off our plate.
– “Okay. What are you going to do?
– “Keep this place clean and tidy, and cook... and eat!

  Austin knew his friend well enough to feel the pent up anger, frustration and anxiety under that devil-may-care attitude.

– “You'll get fat...
– “I wish!” Ryan grunted.

  Hawk nodded. With all the food he cooked and devoured, like an ogre, Ryan was thick, athletic and beefy, but not particularly chubby... He had the metabolism of a blast furnace.

– “Goldilocks has a point... It's cold out there.

■ ■ ■

A few days later — on the terrace, by the pool

  Austin was ready to meet the new guy sent by the bank. He had triple-checked the numbers in the hotel's books. Even as he kept telling Hawk and Ryan that everything would be fine, he was now well aware of their situation — the hotel had lost money for the last two years, they were in the red and he couldn't imagine anyone wasting money to save them.
  His desk was pristine. It was quite remarkable, considering that Austin kept a plate of freshly baked doughnuts within hand's reach. Ryan also left a complimentary basket of muffins and pies on the coffee table...
  But the boys wouldn't leave a crumb on the floor!
  After a day or two, Ryan had cooled down a bit, but he was still cooking like a man possessed. Austin figured that he would miss his job, no matter how tough it was for him to take care of pretty much everything that didn't revolve around abstract numbers.
  From his chair, looking over the garden, Austin could see him mowing the lawn. Shirtless, as usual, but decent.
  There was a signal and the gates opened. It was a taxi cab.

– “Huh oh... Here we go.

  A tall young man with dark hair and spectacles came out of the car. He was dressed in a fancy suit, and he looked at the main building as if he was in a position to look down on it... The taxi driver was taking suitcase after suitcase out of the trunk.
  Ryan cut the power on the lawn mower. He didn't have a towel at hand to get himself dry, but he didn't want to look rough or act rude toward a guy who could get them evicted at once. He introduced himself as best he could. The other guy hardly responded.

– “I'm sorry...” Ryan blushed and stuttered a bit. “We didn't expect... you. I mean, not so soon. I mean, not so early... in the morning.
– “That's fine. I don't mind.

  The young man took off his glasses. His attitude was definitely distant and cocky — and he kept looking at the place like some movie director who wants the set to be demolished for his future project. Ryan was so embarrassed, he didn't even know how to stand in front of him.

– “Well... I'm Ryan.
– “Pleased to meet you, Ryan. I'm Chris.

  They shook hands, but it felt cooler than the morning breeze.

– “So... There you go. This is our home and your hotel resort.
– “So it is.
– “Is this your first time at the Pleasance Dome?
– “First time. And, honestly, I wish I had never come to this place.
– “Oh...
– “Why is it called the Pleasance Dome?
– “Pleasance is the closest town from here. It's about a one hour drive... And the hotel's grounds are on top of the hills, in this county. That's why they built a lighthouse up there, by the sea...
– “Okay. I get it.

  Ryan was desperately trying to make conversation.

– “You don't think that there's... like, potential around here?
– “I can hardly see anything around here. If my parents had not twisted my arm and sent me here to teach me a lesson...
– “Your parents?
– “Yes.
– “You're not the guy from the bank?
– “The bank? No, I'm...

  Right on cue, Austin was stepping down the stoop.

– “Chris? What are you doing down here?
– “I could ask you the same question.

  For a moment, Ryan was lost as he saw the two men shake hands then hug like old friends. Austin turned to him and introduced their visitor.

– “Ryan, this is my cousin Chris... Chris, this is my best friend.

  Their second handshake felt a lot better.

– “You look stunned. You didn't get a call from my parents, or yours?
– “I don't think so... What did they have to say?
– “How about we talk about this inside?” Ryan suggested. “It looks like it's about to rain...

  Chris behaved more graciously after his first morning coffee.

– “When was the last time I saw you? It must be five, six years.
– “More like eight years. It had to be aunt Edna's second wedding.
– “You're right... It's been a while... You've grown so much!
– “I shot up, all right. And you've grown too...

  It wasn't lost on Austin that his cousin had thrown a few glances at his budding potbelly, and not without a somewhat wry smile.
  Ryan kept coming and going with apple pie, cheesecake and cookies for their guest. He had put on a T-shirt, hot from the tumble dryer.

– “Please, sit down with us.” 
– “Okay...
– “Are you okay?
– “With that much egg on my face, I should be chewing on bacon...

  The cousins chuckled, then Chris looked ready to tell them his story — or just the gist of it.

– “I wrecked the convertible. Dad's still pissed about it. I don't know how it came to his twisted mind but he's sent me to stay here, with you.
– “Just like that?
– “Just like that. Leave it to dad.
– “I mean... How long are you supposed to stay with us?
– “Until further notice, I guess.

  Austin and Ryan exchanged a puzzled look.

– “You see, Chris... There may be a problem about your stay.
– “You're telling me. I didn't ask for any of this.

  It tool a moment for Austin to explain how they were all about to leave, unless they found a solution to their financial predicament. Chris looked nonplussed too  but not particularly sad about being sent home sooner than expected. 

– “What should I do, then? Work with you?

  It sounded like a good idea, but Ryan didn't approve.

– “We can't include you in the staff when you haven't been hired like us. It would look suspicious when the bank starts asking questions.
– “You're right...
– “What then?
– “It could be a lot more useful if you acted as our guest.
– “As a customer?
– “Yes. We'll get you the best bedroom. You can eat at the restaurant. We'll keep up appearances, at least... What do you think, Austin?
– “I think you're right. Let's do this.

■ ■ ■

By the end of the week — in the lobby

  Austin regretted his decision almost immediately. Ryan's idea was good enough — on paper. Now that he had settled down in the most luxurious suite they had, with access to their swimming pool, the gym, sauna and spa, Chris behaved like a spoiled, self-entitled millionaire brat.
  As usual, Ryan didn't complain about it but he had every reason to wish that he was gone and they were on their own again... On top of all his tasks, from cooking to gardening, from washing laundry and dirty dishes to unclogging the drain and fixing a leaking faucet, he had to dress like a waiter and provide room service for their one and only guest — and he wouldn't get paid for it any more that he got tipped.
  When Hawk came back with Austin for breakfast, he felt the need for them to talk about Chris. It was almost 7AM.

– “Where is he?
– “At the gym, for his morning routine.
– “Honestly, Austin... I can hardly believe that you two are cousins.
– “Why, because he's not even black? I have a few more cousins. With the mixed marriages in my family, we come in all kinds of size and color, strengths and skills...
– “And that's a good thing. American, as it should be.
– “It just feels like this apple fell down from the tree yesterday. Hard.

  Ryan looked sad, for some reason.

– “There's something he's not telling us.
– “Like what ?
– “I don't know... And he won't tell.
– “It's hard to talk to him when he calls me Hank.
– “He hardly says a word when I bring him something to eat or drink.
– “Of course, he stays in his own personal bubble... You can find him by the pool, humming his favorite tunes with his earplugs on.
– “It could be worse...” Austin grabbed another piece of apple pie. “After all, earplugs are the clean kind of plugs.

  Hawk and Ryan took the hint. 

– “Are you saying that your cousin's also gay?
– “He certainly looks... preppy.” Hawk wondered. It would make sense.
– “Guys, I'm not guessing here. I know.
– “You know Chris, of course, but you haven't seen him for a long time. Did he share something with you, back then?
– “Maybe...

  Ryan smiled as he was blowing over his mug of hot cocoa.

– “Romance between first cousins in their teens? Plant a magnolia tree on that set, I'll feel right at home...

  Unfortunately, Austin couldn't remember anything specific.  

– “According to his parents and mine, he's straight... He's been dating so many girls that everyone keeps talking about his success.
– “That doesn't prove anything.
– “I know... My cousins and I still believe that it's only a cover.
– “And with no girl around here, we can't put him to a test.
– “At least, not to the straight test...

  Hawk and Austin were looking at Ryan in a peculiar way.

– “No way, girls... Don't look straight at me like this. You should know better. I won't put my ass on the line just to prove you right...

  Austin let out a long sigh.

– “Our asses are already on the line, as it is. 

■ ■ ■

Thursday — in the lobby

  Ryan couldn't just say no to his friends. He kept acting a bit sheepishly around Chris, but he didn't want to play coy and cute... If he couldn't break the ice on his own terms, he wouldn't go for it. Ryan didn't believe in the old “fake it until you make it” method. As it was, Chris asked him if he could coach him at the gym, during his morning routine. That was an easy way in — and the two young men spent more time together in the next two days than they had over the previous week and a half.
  Even so, Ryan didn't feel like he had grown much closer to Chris... The young man was often busy trying to call people, and the phone in the lobby only rang for him. Austin's hopes of welcoming a wandering tourist or some nice people on a family trip were crushed, every time he picked up the receiver.
  It was never anyone he knew, not even among their distant relatives. Those calls didn't sound like anything personal either, like girlfriends or... friends. They sounded like business calls — but what kind of business?
  Hawk's attitude toward Chris was a lot less lenient. He resented him for those quizzical looks he threw at his boyfriend's belly, or the occasional comments on Austin's “healthy appetite”.
  Things got worse when Hawk confronted Chris about his attitude.

– “It's none of your business if I'm talking to someone on the phone.
– “This phone belongs to this hotel. If anyone should call their number, it should be to book a reservation. It's your cousin's business.
– “So it's not my phone. It's the only phone in this godforsaken place!
– “And these are the only people you talk to, when you hardly say hello to Austin or Ryan, or me. You think you keep yourself connected? You're completely cut off!
– “Cut off from what, reality? Does this feel real to you, just because it's the quiet, quaint and boring Life you've known for the last fifty years?
– “That does it! No more phone calls for you.
– “Sure! it's that easy... What do you want me to do, read? Like, words? From a book? We're about to enter the twenty-first century, but no... You want to go back to the Dark Ages!

  Chris stormed out, closing the door with a bang.
  Austin and Ryan had witnessed the end of their dispute... Hawk didn't feel proud about it, but he didn't feel sorry either.

– “It didn't have to come to this...” Austin came to comfort him.
– “Can you believe the mouth on that guy?
– “Of course we can.” Ryan kept on mopping the floor. “Big mouth, tight ass... He might as well be gay, right? Just like us...

  Hawk was no longer angry, but he was still jumpy. When the door bell rang, the three of them were startled.

– “I didn't expect him to come back so soon.
– “What do you know? maybe he was running on fumes too.

  Ryan opened the door and tried to welcome Chris back with open arms.

– “Okay, hot shot! Shut your mouth with a piece of pie and we'll bury the hatchet together...

  The young man on the other side of the door bowed with a smile.

– “I beg your pardon?

  It wasn't Chris...
  Austin came to the rescue. Ryan looked petrified on the spot.

– “My name is Jim Locker. Are you the hotel manager?
– “Pleased to meet you.” Austin shook hands with the auditor.

  He was a short, handsome, well-dressed Asian man in his late twenties or early thirties. His last plane was delayed — and he had been sent on this mission from his office in Seoul.

– “You've come all the way from Korea?
– “Yes... It's been a long trip, but it looks like it was worth it.

  Ryan carried Jim's bags into the lobby.

– “We owe you an explanation, mister Locker...
– “Please, call me Jim.
– “Did you see someone, a tall young man, maybe walking or running out of here, on your way to the gates?
– “I don't think I have noticed anyone... It's already getting dark, with those tall trees all around your hotel.
– “He just had an argument with our friend here.
– “Hawk. Canadian coast guards.

  Austin's boyfriend played it straight, official and respectable to make him forget about his fight with Chris.

– “An argument?
– “A friendly argument...
– “Would you like a cup of coffee? or tea?

  Ryan tried to make a good impression too. They were off to a bad start, but Jim looked patient and kind.

– “How about a piece of pie? Is your offer still standing?

  A few minutes later, they sat around the kitchen table like good friends reunited after a long absence... Jim told them about their situation with the bank. He confirmed what they already knew.

– “The Russian man who owned this estate, mister Inofizinov, is dead.
– “We had only heard about it as a rumour...
– “What puzzled me, when I took a look at his files, is that the assets and shares related to your hotel have been recently seized by someone from the United States... I was trying to catch up when I was waiting in one airport or another, so I need to check again to make sure.
– “So... This place belongs to some American corporation now?
– “I guess you like it better that way.
– “Small consolation. We don't know what they plan to do with us.
– “I will have to make a few phone calls, first thing tomorrow morning.

  Right now, Jim was showing more interest in Ryan's cooking skills than in anything else — which included the purpose of his financial audit.

– “Where did you buy this cherry pie?
– “We didn't buy it. I baked it myself.
– “You did? I have to say, it's the best pie I've ever tasted!

  Ryan was overwhelmed. It made Jim smile from ear to ear.

– “You didn't expect someone like me to be such an expert on pies.
– “I didn't expect... anything, really.
– “I am a big fan of that TV show, Twin Peaks.
– “Oh, yeah...
– “Twin Peaks is huge in Japan... I have been trying to find the perfect cherry pie, like the ones they praise in that diner, in the show. This is the first pie I taste that makes me feel... Yes, this is it. This is the one!
– “I've never entered any contest...” Ryan mumbled.
– “You should.

  With another pot of black coffee and warm chocolate milk, the four of them ended up eating three more cherry pies before everyone agreed that it was time to go to sleep.
  Hawk and Austin had taken the opportunity to sit next to each other and occasionaly flirt a little under the table, sometimes even in plain sight. Jim didn't comment on it at any time. They came to the conclusion that he didn't mind  or that he was focused one hundred percent on Ryan's recipe for the perfect cherry pie... 

■ ■ ■
Next morning — in the hotel

  Ryan could only take a guess at the time Chris eventually came back to his bedroom. When he came to see him with a large platter in his hand, to serve him breakfast, he could tell that the capricious young man had slept very little and cried more than he would care to admit.
  That was enough to make him feel sorry for the guy.

– “Good morning, Chris... Rise and shine.
– “I guess I could rise, but I don't feel like I will shine anytime soon.
– “The guy from the bank showed up just after you... went outside.
– “Really? It was about time.
– “He's coming from Korea. Isn't that great?
– “What's so great about Korea?
– “I don't know...

  Even with his morning coffeee, Chris looked rather listless. Ryan would pat him on the back and tell him that everything would be fine, but he wasn't sure. Maybe Chris wouldn't feel okay about this.

– “It looks like today will be a pretty sunny day.
– “Good...
– “Those dark clouds we had, yesterday? They're gone.

  Chris turned to look at Ryan, who looked like he was waiting for some sort of order or instruction from him. He managed to smile for him.

– “You're right. We can't fix the weather, but it will get better.
– “That's the spirit.
– “You've heard, right? You were there...
– “Austin was there too.
– “I feel like such an asshole.
– “Don't worry about it... So Hawk and you exchanged words, so what?
– “We sure did..
– “Words have meaning, but they don't matter.
– “They don't?
– “What can I say? I'm not good with words...

  Austin was busy all day with Jim. The two young men went through the papers together, to the auditor's satisfaction. It didn't hurt that there were two long trays on each side of his desk, heavily laden with pastries.
  Ryan had convinced Chris to put on his best behavior, spend some time at the gym and act like a regular, satisfied guest at their hotel.
  Around lunch time, Jim suggested that they take a break so he could take a look at the whole estate, around the main buildings.
  Chris was dressed in his best three piece suit when he entered the restaurant. He looked like a dapper junior partner from some major firm in New York... It had to feel a bit disappointing for him to find the room always so empty.
  Coming and going in and out of the kitchen, Ryan was dressed like a waiter working in a five-star restaurant, ready to take his guest's order on a neat little notepad.
  Austin didn't feel so hungry. Everything was going better than expected with Jim, but their situation remained the same — and he had already eaten too many pastries. Everyone around the hotel did his best to make it look like a business worth some entrepreneur's money.
  It was time for desserts. Austin joined Ryan in the kitchen.

– “How is it going with Chris?
– “He's trying to make amends, I should say...
– “Good. I wish Hawk and he got along together.
– “They will.
– “It looks like Jim is coming back from his walk...
– “How are the two of you getting along?
– “Just great. For an auditor, he's very comprehensive.
– “Does this mean that we don't have to pack our stuff tonight?
– “I don't know... It's too soon to tell.

  Ryan came to serve Chris at his table. Jim was sitting at another table, next to the bow windows. With a discrete gesture, he asked the waiter to come closer, then he ordered a cocktail.

– “I will bring it to you in a moment, sir.
– “Please, please... Call me Jim.

  Austin was still standing by the kitchen's door, where he could see Chris enjoying his strawberry shortcake. Ryan was coming back to put a peach with a few other fruits in a blender and prepare Jim's cocktail.
  Then he saw Jim get up and politely introduce himself to Chris.

– “Pleased to meet you. I'm Chris. Austin's cousin.

  Austin turned to Ryan, in the kitchen. They both looked devastated.

■ ■ ■
Late evening — in the kitchen

  The two men sitting around the table looked like they were attending a wake... Ryan had spent the whole afternoon washing dishes and going from one room to another with the vacuum cleaner. Austin only followed Jim through all the fine lines in their files... They couldn't say a word to anyone. Now that they were done with all their chores and the sun was going down, it felt like a dark veil slowly falling over their heads.

– “How could he do this to you?” Ryan mumbled again.
– “How could he do this to us?” Austin corrected.

  They both shrugged and reached for another cupcake.

– “Maybe he thought about it as his ticket out of here?
– “So what if he did? Who cares about his feud with mom and dad, and why did they put me in charge of their problem? Do they care about my problems? Do they even know how I'm doing right now? What was the last time they called me?
– “Maybe they did, and the communication didn't get through...
– “Forget it. If Chris wanted to go, fine! He's gone.

  The door behind Austin was slowly opened.

– “I'm not gone... You guys didn't understand.
– “Chris? What are you doing up at this hour?

  Austin's tone was still harsh. Ryan had to come to the rescue, for once.

– “Since you're here, sit down and tell us about it, Chris.
– “I will... I think you deserve a few words of explanation.
– “We deserve more than a few words of apologies.
– “Well... Of course, I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you, but...
– “What?
– “I didn't want to jinx it. I'm oddly superstitious about these things.
– “Superstitious... What were you doing, performing an exorcism?

  Austin didn't understand it any better than his clueless friend.

– “All you had to do was to act like a regular hotel client for a few days, and behave like a decent, polite human being... It sounded like such an easy job, at the time! And you let us down.
– “I didn't let you down. I just thought about your plan for a minute.
– “What about our plan?
– “You guys did your best to follow the rules. That's fine... But that's not how you win this game. I should know, and you should too.

  Chris was still looking down. Ryan pleaded to Austin with his eyes.

– “Okay, Chris. If you want to tell us, we're listening.
– “I wouldn't know where to start, now...
– “Take it from the top, like a song. We'll follow you.
– “Okay...

  He took a deep, long breath.

– “First things first, then... I...

  The door was opened again. It was Jim, wearing some light pajamas.

– “I thought I was hearing voices, but it was you guys...
– “Jim? You're still up, at this hour?
– “I'm still on Seoul time. It's only been a few days since I left.
– “Do you want something to drink? or eat?
– “I don't mind if I do... Is that how you say it in America?
– “Yes, we do.” Ryan smiled. “And we certainly don't mind.

  For a few minutes, the four young men around the table were busy pouring green tea, coffee or cocoa in large mugs, and cutting generous pieces of four different kinds of pies... Ryan had brought a bucket of ice-cream to the table, and he put two more pies in the oven.
  It looked like Jim was about to propose a toast.

– “How often do you get together like this?
– “Every other night, when we feel like talking about something...
– “With cookies and pies? and ice-cream?
– “Well...” Austin and Ryan blushed. “Yeah.

  Chris shook his head, while Jim was all smiles again.

– “Eating this much, right before bed? You are so going to get fat...
– “What's wrong about that?

  The boys were dumbstruck. It was Jim who came to their defense now.

– “Huh... Jim?
– “Where I come from, the most handsome men grow big, round bellies. That's both a sign of beauty and masculinity.
– “Handsome men in the United States and Canada also grow nicely big and round... It's something we can all agree on.
– “Is that what you two are looking for?” Jim asked.

  It didn't feel right to tell him that it was none of his business.

– “In my case, yes... That's something I want.

  Austin only hesitated for a second, before he corrected himself.

– “That's something my boyfriend wants too...

  He threw a look at his blonde friend, over the table, like a cry for help. Ryan couldn't be prouder of him for coming out like this. He only wanted to make sure that Jim wouldn't get confused.

– “Austin has been dating Hawk for six months. You remember that big, tall bear in the lobby, on your arrival.
– “Yes, of course. I could tell that you were more than friends.
– “You noticed?” Austin was a bit surprised. “You didn't say anything.
– “What was I supposed to say? There's nothing wrong about it... And you looked so happy when you were sitting here with Hawk.
– “I am. It's been the happiest six months in my whole life.
– “And you've been eating like this, night after night, on purpose.
– “Yes... Ryan is a pretty talented cook, and...
– “And I don't let anyone eat my share of a feast. Just so you know.
– “How much weight have you gained, then?
– “Last time I checked, twenty-five pounds. At least.
– “It should be almost thirty pounds, soon...

  Chris rose to give him a hug. He was also proud of his cousin.

– “So... This is like a “safe place”? We can talk about... everything?
– “Everything you would never dare to tell anyone else.” Ryan insisted.
– “What were you guys talking about, now?” Jim asked.
– “Chris was about to tell us why his parents kicked him out.
– “They kicked you out of the house?
– “Yeah...

  Everyone was ready to let him tell his tale on his own terms.

– “I have told you the truth... I took dad's convertible to take Cindy out on a date. It was a pretty short ride. She wanted us to do it on the edge of the road, looking over the city lights. We were parked on the perfect spot but, as she was taking my jeans off, she upset the parking brake and we didn't notice that the car was slowly rolling back to the road, on that slope.
– “That was a slippery slope, all right...
– “Next thing I remember, some truck hit us in the rear. We turned and turned and went back to the side of the road, then the front hit a tree, the alarm went off and the cops caught me with my pants down.
– “What happened then?
– “It wasn't much of an accident. They didn't need the jaws of Life to get us out of a convertible. Only Cindy's parents were furious at her.
– “Why? Was it past midnight, and Cinderella's carriage had turned into a pumpkin?
– “A smashed pumpkin, too...
– “Cindy was fine, but her father threatened to sue.” Chris sighed. “He had to make sure that she wasn't pregnant. Then, if she was, he couldn't let her have an abortion... He twisted everything and he blew it out of proportions. It was grotesque! He's running for governor. It's a disaster for his campaign.
– “Even safe sex isn't safe, these days... with those people.
– “Of course, Dad wouldn't forgive me for wrecking his car, his only real pride and joy...
– “So... that's it?
– “Not quite. For the next few weeks, I've been going through some of the most terrible mood swings I've ever experienced. My parents and I could hardly say Hello before it turned into a fight.
– “Did you guys fight with words? or, like, with your fists?
– “Yes, it got physical... And I kept more rage burning, deep down.” 
– “How?
– “I couldn't stop thinking that, no matter how bad it looked, and felt, I was getting away with it all too easily. I mean... What if the cops had caught me with my pants down, but with a member of our football team on the back seat of the car?
– “Because it could have happened like this? with you and another guy?
– “Yeah... Just a few days before, if I had taken him to the same place.

  There was a moment of silence. Ryan was the first one to speak.

– “You kept thinking about it, and it made you feel guilty...
– “Yes.
– “Because... You didn't get punished as you may have been.
– “Yes.
– “Because... Austin took it from there. “If your parents found out that their son was gay, they wouldn't just make you spend a few weeks with your black cousin at a hotel, somewhere in Canada.

  Chris could only nod in silence... Austin noticed that Ryan's had been slowly clenching his fists over the kitchen table. 

– “Are we talking... Conversion camps?
– “Definitely. I know my parents. They would do it in a heartbeat.
– “Conversion camps?” Jim didn't understand. “What's that?
– “It's supposed to be some sort of therapy...” Austin mumbled.
– “Think concentration camps.” Ryan cut him right off.

  The blonde guy looked unusually tense — both furious and icy, like a volcano in Iceland. Austin had never seen him like this.

– “You're right...” Chris looked up. “I've seen the brochures.
– “That's awful. Just awful.
– “So...” Ryan went back to his bad boylaid-back attitude. “You've hit a tree with your dad's car, but you've dodged quite a bullet.
– “I really did...

  Chris needed a refill. Austin poured more coffee in his mug.

– “I have been carrying this strange burden of guilt for weeks. Not just about what I did, but about all sorts of things I read in the newspaper... what I heard on the radio... what I saw on TV...
– “I'd sooner blame the news on TV, on the radio and in print.
– “Anyway... There was nothing I could do about all this. Or I kept telling myself that I couldn't do anything about it... Then I thought I could at least help you guys.
– “Help us?
– “Yes.

  Jim turned to look straight at Chris.

– “Was it you behind this, the whole time?
– “Maybe not at first, but... yes. I did.
– “You have bought all the shares of this hotel?

  Austin almost jumped from his chair.

– “Chris? Is this what kept you hanging by the phone all day?
– “Yes. I used dad's connections. And his money...
– “How did you pull such a trick?
– “Please, that was the easy part.” Chris shrugged. “I've cracked the codes to my parents' bank accounts when I was thirteen. It's been two weeks, and they haven't noticed anything yet.

  The guys around the table were speechless for a moment. 
  Austin cleared his voice.

“Does this mean that we own the place?
– “Not quite...
– “It's never that simple.” Jim agreed. “But it could be done...

■ ■ ■
Late night — in the kitchen

  Jim had to get back to his bedroom to catch up on some sleep. 
  Ryan was alone in the kitchen... He washed the dirty dishes in the sink with some running water, then he put them in the washing machine.

– “Don't you ever go to sleep?

  Chris was looking for the key to his room. It had fallen under the table.

– “You know how there's no rest for the wicked...
– “I know... Boy! do I know. But you're not wicked.
– “Neither are you. And here we are, still awake, you and me.
– “So we are. But I've found my key. I'm going to bed...
– “Good night, Chris.
– “Good night, Ryan.

  As he was about to get back upstairs, Chris turned around.

– “I wanted to tell you about it, you know...
– “So you did. And I'm glad that you did.
– “I have to thank you for this. And Austin.
– “If you played your cards right, we have a whole lot to thank you for...
– “It's not like I have single-handedly saved you from ruin.
– “Of course not!” Ryan was done with the dishes. “The only thing people do single-handedly is masturbate.

  The big blonde cook slowly took off his apron and his shirt  all sweaty after such a long, hot day at work, packed with unexpected revelations.

– “May I ask you something?
– “Sure.
– “About your dates...
– “What about them?
– “We all know how there's plenty of fish in the sea, and it sounds like you were diving into a pretty rich dating pool, back home.
– “I guess I was... And yes, I used to bang both chicks and dudes.
– “Now that's only two types of fish. It's not what caught my attention. You told us that you flipped from one side to the other like, every other week? after a few days?
– “Sure. I could make out with a guy in my class in the evening and take a girl to a party later on the same night.
– “How old are you? Fifteen?
– “I recently turned twenty-five.
– “And you're still switching on and off faster than stroboscopic lights on a dance floor. It's no wonder your Life started spinning out of control...

  Chris didn't know what to say.

– “Take a look at Austin... He's a few years younger than you, but he's made his choice. And he's made the right choice, if I may say so myself.
– “How can you tell?
– “I look into his eyes, and I see that sparkle of light. No flickering there. He knows what he wants... He knows what he's signed up for, and he knows that whatever happens to him will be a consequence of his choice. Not anyone else's choice.
– “Even if he puts on thirty pounds?
– “Make it a hundred pounds, who cares? That's not what matters... It shows how much he trusts his partner, how confident he is about their relationship. And that's only the tip of the iceberg.
– “It does sound good, but what if it's not for me?
– “What makes you feel that it wouldn't work for you?
– “I know Austin. This is certainly good for him, but I also know my own desires, my temptations, my urges.
– “Okay. What about them?
– “I'm not looking for anything serious, or any long-term adventure...
– “So it's all fireworks for you?
– “Fireworks are fine.
– “You only find yourself alone in the dark, when it's over.

  Chris turned to look into Ryan's eyes. He had failed to notice the color variation in the blonde boy's iris, until now. His left eye was almost blue like aquamarine, while his right eye was a deep shade of emerald green.

– “Is something wrong?
– “Huh? No, I just... I didn't know you had wall eyes like this.
– “No big deal... Cops back home only asked me to put my hands on the wall. And they didn't mention my eye colors when they took mugshots.
– “I see...
– “Are you okay?
– “I'm all right. I feel better already.
– “Good for you...” Ryan smiled, still on his guard somehow.
– “You don't talk much, but... It's not like you have nothing to say.
– “You didn't tell us about your secret plans to take over the world... I guess we only need someone we can talk to.
– “May I ask you something too?
– “Sure.
– “What if I am just that party boy, ten years after everyone considers it's okay because it's “just a phase”, and I'll grow out of it? What's wrong about being six miles high and two inches deep?
– “Nothing wrong, if that's all you know about yourself. So far, so good.
– “I'm only asking for... what, meaningless sex? Just sex?
– “Meaningless sex it is, then.
– “Why should I feel like I'm doomed and I can't be saved?
– “Saved from what? The people who pretend to save you?

  Then, in a move so sudden and so spontaneous that they were both startled, Chris almost pounced on Ryan to embrace him and kiss him... There were tears in his eyes when he felt the blonde boy's arms wrapped around his chest and back. 

– “It's okay. You'll be okay...
– “You're a lot smarter than you let anyone know, aren't you?
– “In my book, a man who answers a question with another question isn't a wise man. He's a fucking weasel... When you ask a real question, and you're serious about it, you should be given a real, serious answer.

  Chris was almost shivering as he whispered something in his ear.
  Ryan just smiled, but his smile was worth a million words.

– “Fireworks, then?
– “Yes, please...
– “First things first...

  The blonde cook opened a drawer in the kitchen isle.

– “There you go. Drink.
– “Okay...
– “Now, take a good whiff of this. And another... Good.

  When they were both naked and Chris didn't look so nervous but ready for what was bound to happen, Ryan took charge of everything.

– “Don't worry, Chris... I'm a baker too. You're in good hands.
– “Way to make me feel like a ball of dough...

  Ryan could tell that this kind of dirty talk worked wonders on Chris. He kept it going for a while, taking his sweet time to give him a good, long and deep massage that helped them adopt a common rythm, breathing in and out together and adopting a pace that Ryan would quicken, slowly but surely.
  Chris didn't dare to ask Ryan if he had some sort of lubricant at hand. They were inside a kitchen... He was still pleasantly surprised when he felt fresh lube applied between his buttocks. It was the real, good stuff. Clearly, Ryan knew what he was doing, and how to do it best... 
  He was an athletic and gentle lover, who didn't hesitate to go deeper, rough and raw when his partner's response invited him to go for it. Chris was already extatic, panting and moaning — it was only the beginning of their blissful journey together.

  They kept the party rolling until dawn — from that kitchen table to the piles of clean linen, to the small shower next to Ryan's bedroom and on top of the bed, then back to Chris's suite, against the bathroom wall with its multiple jet shower, sprawled on that king-sized bed, rolling from one soft carpet to the next on the floor... Somehow, they woke up lying on a large blanket by the swimming pool.
  The sun was slowly rising over the top of the trees.

– “Chris? Come on, open you eyes...

  The spent young man let out a long moan.

– “What's up?
– “The sun's almost up... Take a look.

  They didn't say a word for the next fifteen minutes.

– “It's another bright day. Fresh like your first pancake.
– “Yeah... It's beautiful.

  Chris rested a hand on that deep, furry chest — daydreaming.

– “Beautiful...

  He felt the dirty blonde boy tightening their hug to make him turn and come face to face. Then his lips were graced with the hottest wet kiss.

– “There's something to be said about meaningless sex, right?

  Ryan moved to the side, grabbed his T-shirt and got up. He had left his pants on the kitchen floor. In the grand order of things, and his own set of values, they could wait... Breakfast was his top priority.

– “Meaningless, huh...

  Chris slowly ran his thumb over his lips  and he smiled.

■ ■ ■
Saturday — in the kitchen

  It was no small achievement for Chris to walk back up to his bedroom. He had spent some time skinny dipping in the pool, slowly waking up in its fresh water. Then he slept in his bed until the middle of the afternoon.
  Austin was in the kitchen, stuffing his face with dollar size pancakes, all glistening butter and maple syrup. Ryan kept them coming.

– “Wow, cuz... Are you so hungry?
– “I'm not...” Austin answered with his mouth full. “But I want more.
– “More pancakes?
– “More everything. I want to get fat!

  Ryan put another tall stack of pancakes in front of him, with scrambled eggs and bacon. Austin looked ready to devour them.

– “Hawk called on the phone, and Austin told him.
– “So he knows that you won't lose your job anytime soon.
– “Yes... but he was a lot more impressed with Austin coming out to you and Jim. And how he's ready for something bigger.
– “Like eating?
– “Hmmmph...
– “And reaching that thirty pound mark.

  Chris turned to get the phone on the wall.

– “I have to make an important call too.
– “Who are you calling?
– “Who do you think? My father.
– “Oh...

  He had to wait for a moment, and go through a secretary.

– “Dad? Yes, this is Chris... I'm doing fine. No thanks to you. What? No... Thanks to you. Yeah, you heard it right the first time... As a matter of fact, I've never felt better in my whole Life.

  Chris couldn't help looking at Ryan, still busy with the skillet. The tall blonde cook couldn't notice his friend's gaze, with his back turned... Of course, he was only wearing his apron and no underwear again, which allowed Chris to fully appreciate his forms.

– “Yes, dad... Yes, I know. No, I won't come back home anytime soon... No, this place is great! I actually like it here... Austin says hello.
– “Hmmmph...
– “Yes, he's fine too. You remember Austin. Well, he's... so grown up.

  Austin grunted for Ryan to refill his tall glass of chocolate milk.

– “Anyway... I wanted to tell you about this, dad. I won't just stay here for a few weeks or months. I'm not going anywhere... Why? Oh, because I own this place now. Yes... Right. Then I have news for you! Why don't you call Grisham tonight? He will tell you about it.

  Chris had to listen to his father ranting for a minute.

– “If you don't like this, you know I can always call someone you know when we're done here... Yes, I want to try my hand at this. It's what I want. Dad, I've made my choice. I'm not coming back. You wanted this, now this is what you get... Next time you see me, I'll be happily married with someone local. And I'll grow a beard... And I'll get fat!

  When Chris hung up, his friends waited for him to say something.

– “Seriously? With everything you cook, and everything you eat... it's bound to happen! I shouldn't get too attached to my 32" size jeans.

■ ■ ■
Monday — in the lobby

  Jim had also done his homework. By the end of the next day, he asked everyone to join him, so he could explain on what ground they stood what the future may hold for them. Hawk showed up too.

– “I'll be honest with you, guys... The bank sent me to perform an audit, but they had some ulterior motive.
– “Isn't that how it always goes with bankers?
– “If you take the numbers at face value, it looks so bad that you should all get evicted tomorrow. However, thanks to Chris's shrewd investment moves, the shares and assets they wanted to seize have been frozen or diverted and somehow under our radar.

  Chris reacted when his friends were still trying to follow.

– “So your job was actually to undo what I have done?
– “Or do it myself, for my own investers, in some other way.
– “The siren's song remains the same...” Hawk mumbled with contempt.
– “But you didn't do it.” Austin looked up. “Why?

  Jim looked at him with gratitude.

– “For one thing, when I found out about Chris, his shadow actions in trade and negociations earned my sympathy and respect.
– “It's the first time someone praises what I do in the shadows...
– “What do you know, there's a first time for everything.
– “Then there's the time I've spent with you...” Jim went on. “Of course, you guys are on a really small boat, but you run a tight ship. And Ryan? You cook the best meals, the best breakfasts, the best pies and the best pastries I have ever tasted.
– “Well... Thanks. It's not like we can take it to the bank...
– “I think you can. With some adjustments to your business.
– “We can?

  The four men sitting in front of Jim had the same puzzled look on their face... They waited for him to explain what he had in mind. Chris invited him to be fully honest about it.

– “I guess you want to be a part of it?
– “Like... Join the team?” Austin wasn't so sure.
– “Why not? We could vote on it.
– “All right... Tell us about it, Jim.

  The Asian young man cleared his voice.

– “Just so you know, my name isn't Jim...
– “It's not?
– “My employers like it better when we don't use our real names.
– “Sure. Just like online support, and telemarketing.
– “And phone sex...

  Hawk made everyone snap out of it.

– “Guys... You seriously thought that “Jim Locker” was his real name?

  Austin and Ryan shrugged. They hadn't put much thought into it.

– “My real name is Lu Dang Yūichi.
– “...Lou?
– “...Dang!
– “Yūichi, that's a Japanese name.
– “Yes... I have a Chinese grandfather, a Japanese grandfather. Korea has been invaded and occupied so many times, by so many people around us, we're just as bad as France.
– “Okay, then... Lou?

  The four guys sitting on the couch nodded in approval.

– “Go for it, Lou...
– “What you need is a different business model, for couples and single guests, with small-sized events for a specific demography, like retreats, seminars, conventions...
– “I agree, but...” Chris thought out loud. “Most hotels already provide that kind of service.
– “On the side, they do. This will be the core of our business.
– “Okay.” Austin nodded. “Did you have something in mind?
– “As a matter of fact, I do.

  Lou put his suitcase on the table, and took out three magazines. Austin read Bulk Male on the cover.

– “Are you familiar with the gainer and feeder scene?
– “No...
– “Nuh huh.
– “I've read a few issues of it...” Ryan confessed. “I used to date a pretty chubby guy who was totally into this, back home.
– “What do you think? What if we created a range of booking offers, from a week-end to a whole month, with access to the hotel pool, gym and spa, all-you-can-eat buffet, rich room service and other activities?
– “So...” Austin flipped through the pages of Lou's magazine. “What's the big idea? We entertain our guests for a few days, and they leave with a couple more pounds on their frame?
– “A few more inches around their waist.
– “Just a little bit rounder, and softer...
– “In a nutshell, yes.

  Austin, Hawk, Chris and Lou turned to Ryan.

– “I guess I can cook more...
– “You can stretch your skills with new recipes.
– “And new cocktails.
– “And face challenges, like roasting a whole beef for a BBQ.
– “Okay! Count me in.

  Lou was beaming with pride, now that everyone was on board.

– “How about you?” Austin asked. “What's in it for you?
– “Honestly? I don't want to bore you with my story...
– “Come on... We're listening.
– “As far as I can remember, I was attracted to the athletes I could see on TV. Not football players, no baseball or basketball... I mean Sumo wrestlers.
– “Huh...
– “Sumo wreslers are superstars. They're huge in Japan.
– “They're just huge, anywhere they go...
– “Is that what you would be interested in? Grow like a Sumo wrestler?
– “I don't know. Sumo wrestling is so strict, so physically demanding... and I was a pretty skinny boy, back home. I should at least give it a try, with your help, and grow bigger as I grow older.

  Austin looked at his friends. They were pleasantly surprised, and if it meant that they could count Lou as an ally to save their hotel, there was no reason to deny him such a personal wish.

– “We'll start with something we can achieve, something big but not too big... Then our first satisfied customers will tell their friends, who will tell more people about us. It will spread like middle-age spread!

  Chris had to remind his friends about one last, minor issue.

– “We need to come up with a new name for this place.
– “Why?
– “If you want to establish something new, with a good reputation on its own, you have to ditch what was there before, and failed.
– “Oh, yeah...
– “We can't change the hotel's name out of the blue, either...” Ryan also reminded them. “It costs an arm and a leg! We have no money to spend on rebranding all the plates, the napkins, the silverware, the table cloth, the bedsheets, the covers, the bathrobes, the ashtrays...
– “We get it! Those initials are everywhere.
– “So much for that brainstorming session...

  Hawk had an idea.

– “Keep the Dome, and replace Pleasance with Pleasure.
– “Pleasure?
– “Same initials. You'll be fine...
– “I guess it works.
– “The Pleasure Dome... Yeah, it has a nice ring to it.
– “Of course! It's in that poem.
– “What poem?
– “Kubla KhanSamuel Taylor Coleridge.

                          In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
                        a stately Pleasure Dome decree:
                        where Alph, the sacred river, ran
                        through caverns measureless to man
                          down to a sunless sea.

– “What do you boys think?
– “Maybe we shouldn't quote the full poem.” Chris complained. “People will think it's never sunny out there...
– “And do we have caverns or caves, on the coast?
– “Who cares...

  They all turned their eyes to Ryan, which made the blonde boy blush.

– “I don't remember Alf being a river... I thought it was a muppet.

  Hawk and Lou exchanged a look and nodded in agreement.

– “How about it? Ready to take this on the road?

  The boys raised their cups and mugs of coffee.

– “To the Pleasure Dome!

■ ■ ■


  1. Great Read! I look forward to seeing how the story continues to develop. ((( . ))) 🙂

  2. Love the start to this. Cannot wait to see what's next!

  3. I’d like to book a few weeks’ stay…

  4. Holy shit, this new story is absolute fire!!! 🥵
    Can’t wait to see what you do with it…

  5. Love it ! Really I can't wait to see them grow significantly bigger and see their customers gaining weight quickly ☺️ I hope Ryan will get some help on the kitchen because I'm sure he will haha
